Friday, May 22, 2009


Wonder what ?
Wonders of the World
Wonders of human behavior
Wonders of humanity
Wonders of lies

So many, so many lies....
What's the necessity of lies ?
What ?
The necessity....
Without lies there will be no wonders

Why do we need wonders ?
So we can have a good time
Why can't we have a good time by telling the truth ?
Un believable....
What's so Un believable....
You are ignorant
Arn't we all ?
Thats the reason the lies are being told...........

No one is listening
Everyone is listening, the birds are listening
They are smiling and chirping
They are happy at our ignorance
They are chirping

I want to chirp, I want to tell lies, I want to chirp
Then go ahead and chirp
But I have to tell lies first
Then go ahead and tell lies
I don't have many lies in my storage

Lies are the exact opposite of the truth, so what ever you think is the truth, just say the opposite......and you have a lie, then tell another one and then anoither one and then you will have a novel and then you can find a publisher and publish the book and then you can go on a book readings all over the World and you will be accomodated in fancy hotels and you will eat snails and oysters and you will be at the Riviera and the book will win many awards and your name  will spread all over the planet and finally you will be old and rich and happy...........
Finally I will be happy ?
Yes, you will be happy.  Happinress is a collection of lies but published and awarded....

Will it bother me ?
Bother you ?  What exactly will bother you ?  Your happiness ?  We are all seeking happiness
desperately and why would happiness bother you ?
I don't mean that happiness will bother me...I mean the lies....
Why would the lies bother you ?
Because its not the truth
Do you know the truth ?
Do you know the truth ?
Do you have any idea of the truth ?
So accept the lies as the ultimate truth and be happy
I wonder.............
You wonder what ?
If the lies are the truth or the truth is the lie.............
Thats complicated........its a wonder.......
What ?
The whole scenario......lies are someone's truth and the truths are some one else's lies........
Every one must wonder than..........
People don't have time for wondering, they are busy twittering, they are wondering about the wonders of the World..................not about little things such as lies and truth and humanity and this and that nonsense...All old fashion concepts....just believe what any one tells you and say, "Yes." and ,"Sure." and be happy..............
I wonder...........
Stop wondering and enjoy the wonders of the world..............
Human beings have changed.......
Human beings ?
Who are they ?
Where are they ?
What are they doing ?
What are they achieving ?
Human beings ?
I want to meet them....
I wonder about them...
I wonder how great they must be
The human beings....
I wonder................

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