Saturday, November 28, 2009

Its been so long
So, so long

What happened?

Got neglected
All the birds
And their nests

Life is an Un-ending
Never breaking thread
Of sorrow
And despair

I am so disappointed in Poetry
Of sorrow
Sorrow of the birds
And sorrow of human beings

Did I say human beings?
Human are beasts and beasts are human now
To call for human beings
One has to shout, "hey, beasts."

And they will answer
They will recognize their Identity
Pure and brutal and Crimnal and Fascious

My poor birds
The flying creatures got involved with the so called,"Humans."
And got violated, abused, brutalized and Injured

 To be Injured?
That's the tragedy of Immense consequences

Who will forgive you for being so weak?
Be strong, very strong especially as a stranger

You can't be hurt
Can't be wounded
Can't be hit
Can't be abused

Be away from the beast
The beasts do evil to the other beasts called human

An Insult to the creator
I wonder why did he create the little Infant
 And than did nothing to him when he became
a beast?

My birds have been waiting
Very lonely

In a narrow room full of dust
Full of dirty clothes
Full of ugly pots and pans
Wondering who the hell lives here ?
And why?
 Does't, the one who lives here not throw
The shit out?

Shit will stay when all beasts will be dead
But they still don't want it to be thrown away 

They like the smell of it
They came from shit and rolled around in shit
And then died in shit

Poor birds
Flew from so far away for the shitty adventure
Give them a break
Get them out of the dark cage
Send them back


They lost their home

Send them back some where

But out of here...
Here they will choke to death
Die of sorrow

Over the demise of the man who once loved birds
and their songs

And eventually allowed them
To rot in a modern city
Fulll of glamour and lights

But no light for them
No glamour for them

Just a dark
Airless room

What did they do to you to desreve this?
Did they hurt you ?
Curse you?
Beat you up?

Why did you take revenge of your life's failure on birds?

The precious birds
The delicate birds
The colorful birds
The chirping birds
The melodious birds
The happy birds
The singing birds............

Monday, November 9, 2009


Failure why don't you just go away?
Bothering me so much every day
I never heard your name before I arrived here
How come you didn't accompany me before?

I was born without you and your Influence
How come you accompanied me across the sea?

I need to be alone, I am a loner, why don't you understand?
Need no company of any one especially you

There was a time when i used to miss people, 
friends, companions, relatives
But instead you sneaked in
and you sneaked in...

Wasn't looking for you...
But you were waiting for me at the end of the boat ride
But I didn't take a boat after al

I arrived by a plane like a successful traveller
and you heard about the arrival and ran from the docks to the airport
to receive me the  very first day....
and you have never left me since then.....

You and you alone have been the most constant companion 
Like a bad marriage 
bothering me, critical and un-approving
of whatever I try to accomplish....

" failure, failure. failure.
" you whisper in my exhausted ears
all day and all night
even in my sleep
you wake me uo so many times
Need a thousand sleeping pills

Why were you waiting for me at the airport?
In this city no one waits for any one
No one waits for no one anywhere now...

Don't you have anything else to do?
Why don't you go after the high achievers and go getters?
Wouldn't  you look better being attached to some glittery monument?

I want to be alone
How many times I have begged you to understand that

I am happy to be alone with myself...
I don't need you to tell me what you repeat every second

Now I am capable of telling myself a thing or two....
So why don't you just go away
Go back to the airport
International arrival
Idiots arrive every day
Go whisper in their ears your precious, ominous words

I didn't take you seriously first
But you were so persistent
See What persistence can do.....
Perhaps I should learn something from you
Your persistence.....

"Persistence of failure."
Should be the title of my new poem....

I see the flickering smiles of satisfaction and happiness
on the faces of my so called, "Friends."

My ,"friends." always wanted me to fail
They were perhaps your relatives
At least you made them happy.....
Now they can go ahead, get ahead, and,"make it,"

But good luck to you and all your relatives....

But if you now leave me
I promise I will keep your memory alive
And will always write poems of, "Failure."

I am not American
I don't have to have ,"positive attitude." 24 hours of the day.......
I came from ancient lands where people tell each other
stories of war and ruin and starvation and oppression and occupation

They all sit together in a circle around the fire out doors in a bombed out court yard
wrapped in Pashmina Shawals which the occupier wants to steal.
Occupier is always from the colder lands
Needs Pashmina for sure to keep him warm in his snowy country....

But those people surrounded by the ruins of their lands
smoking hooka pipes never mentioned the word, "Failure."
I notice that now...
No mention of failure at all.

I wonder why not ?
They are the ones who have failed miserably....
But the, word, "FAILURE." I only heard in the successful lands....

Success was everywhere in the civilized, rich, democratic lands...
 but the failure kept whispering in my ears....

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Because it's the same thing of the weak will and lack of determination

But its been better lately
A little bit better

So what?

Why disappointment?
Time is running out
Time has been wasted

The dread
Of What ?

Dread of dread

That's an old story

Old stories keep repeating itself

Not good
Do the work

The dread will go away
The dread will never go away

Don't say that

You are up
Up and about
About what?
Whatever you want it to be

I don't know
Satisfaction is not the key

Key to what?
Your poetry

Who is a poet?

The one who writes poems

Do I write poems?
I don't know...I don't know you
You are always giving me advice though
Strangers can give advice too
How would they know what advice to give?
They know

How do they know?
They know....You are notorious

Oh! good

You like that?
Yes...I always wanted to be notorious
Notorious is not bad

Its bad enough
You should be very bad to be really bad
What do I have to do?
Be hated

By whom ?
The world...the whole wide world
That's disappointing
You should be thrilled


That's when you are important


When the world hate you

I don't know the world that well,

 get hated.....
get used to it

And what about disappointment?

Give another word to it...Call it,"Dissatisfaction." 
All the geniuses were dissatisfied
that's why they created so much..
.Dissatisfaction is the key to creativity not disappointment...

Disappointment sounds depressing and depressing thoughts are Un-fashionable.
..Creativity has a step sister and that is called, 
The muse of being never satisfied in a good, poetic way."

Sunday, November 1, 2009


And I saw it
The un-balanced behavior
One more time

It raised its head like a snake
One more time

I debated
Whether to leave or to stay
The same moment of indecision
And the fear of an un-known politeness

To tolerate the un-controlled

But why is that ?

That had been dissected, analysed, searched
Too much grace...
That's it...
Its that moment of grace for your own self
Which keeps you cemented in the same spot
Instead of making a scene

But maybe now the time has come to make a scene
And then walk away..........

Time in itself has been giving you a chance
But you don't take it
Keep the grace only for your own self

For the rest please be un-graceful just for a moment
Just for one brief moment only
And then none of those moments will repeat itself
not with the same person at least

Be guarded to quickly leave that un-pleasant moment 
Without creating any scene
Thats the true test of grace
But leave you will

The moment and the one who created it
Behind you.............