Sunday, February 3, 2013



First of all its snowing outside

When it snows, I slip

And fall down

And hurt my bones

I fell years ago

And my shoulder is all fucked up still

When the weatherman mentions the word snow

I instantly become down and depressed

So most of the time I am down and depressed in the winter

Going to go see a play when there is slush outside

Its the biggest punishment

And I am in the theater business...

Did I say business?

Forget the word,"Business."

I can't even spell the word business...

I should say, "I am in the theater world...

Even that doesn't sound right...

It doesn't seem like that I am in this world

Or of this world....

This world has computers in it

And smart phones

And I pads

And I pods

Even if I buy all those things

I don't know how to operate them

And people say,"Learn."

You don't know how much I have tried to learn....

I learn,"THIS"

And "THAT"

And, "THIS" doesn't work

Or "THAT" doesn't work...

And when you ask your ,"So called, "FRIENDS"

They mock you first before anything else.""OH! you don't even know this?"

They say...

"Even a moron knows that"

They say....

After that I don't want to learn anything from any one

So you don't get work.

Everything is on the machine now.

I used to work sometimes in the movies...

Now you have to put yourself on the computer, "YOUR PROFILE"

They say," Your profile is not complete"

Or they say, "NO clients can see your profile."

So you don't get a job in the movies

And mind you that was never a staring role...

It was coffee money anyway

Now I don't even have coffee money

So I can't go out for coffee

But its snowing any way

If I had coffee money anmd went out for coffee

I will break my remaining bones

So maybe its God's will for me to not have a movie job

And its god's will is for me not to learn the computer

And its God's will to have snow

My shitty life seems like its God's will.