Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The rain has stopped
And the sun has come out
Now go out
And do what ?
Go out and get some air
From where?
Get some air
From where?
From the park

Park is full of dogs
Park is full of air
Park is full of dogs
Park has air and the park has dogs
So the air is full of dogs
No,  the air is full of the park
You mean the park is full of dogs
Dogs and the air
The dog air
You mean ?

You mean for me to have the dog air ?
Breath dog air in the park
Go out and breath dog air
Thats what you mean ?
Don't you ?

I mean,  go out and get some air
Its stopped raining
But the air has dogs in it
No the park has dogs in it
So then the air has dogs in it
The park has dogs in it
What's wrong with you this morning ?
This morning ?
Yes,  this morning

I feel the same every morning
But every morning it doesn't rain
It rains
It rained yesterday
It rained day before yesterday
It rained roday
But it has stopped raining

But it rained today
Yes, It rained today and now it has stopped raining
Now its sunny
Now you can go out 
Go out and do what ?
Get some air
Air has dogs

Get some coffee then
Where ?
Some coffee shop
Where ?
All over, the coffee shops are all over the place
There is no coffee shops, I don't see any coffee shop,
I only see cafe's
Its the same thing
Its not
Its the same thing, coffee shop,  cafe, the same thing
Its not the same thing, one is a coffee shop and the other is a cafe
Its the same thing
But it has two different names
Like what ?
Like a coffee shop and a cafe
Same thing
Its not,  two different names mean two different things, English language is very precise.

Its a place where you can get a cup of coffee
It depends what kind of coffee
Coffee is just coffee
Its not
Coffee is just coffee
No its not
One is just a coffee and the other is an expresso coffee
No difference
There is a hell of a lot of difference
Ok,so go out and get a coffee or an expresso coffee
But where should I go /
Go to a coffee shop
But there is no Expresso available in a coffee shop, its only available in a cafe
So go to a cafe
But I don't know if I want expresso
So, what do you want ?
I don't kniw what I want, I want nothing
But you told me that you want coffee

No, you told me to go have coffee
I told you  to go out and get some air
But the air has dogs in it
So go out and get some coffee
Where ?
A coffee shop
Coffee shop doesn't have expresso, a cafe does
So go out to a cafe and have an expresso
But I don't want an expresso
What do you want ?
I want nothing

If you want nothing then why do you complain about the  rain ?
I want the rain to stop
So you can go out ?
Not necessarily
Then why do you want rain to stop ?
Just like that
Just like that ?  Things should have purpose

I just want rain to stop
Why ?
So the sun can come out
So you can go out ?
Not necessarily

What do you want ?
Then why do you want the rain to stop ?
Just want the rain to stop for a change
What kind of a change that is ?
The sun comes out
You don't do much with the sun
I still want the rain to stop and the sun to come out
So you can go out and get some sun ?
Not necessarily
Then why do you want the sun to come out ?
For a change
Change ?
Yes,  for a change,  for sun to have a change from the rain
So rain can go away and the sun can come out
Rain so far has the power over the sun, I want the sun to have power now
Power has to be equally distributed between the sun and the rain....

The rain has stopped now and the sun has come out
I am glad for that
Now you can go out and get some air and some sun
Its not for me that I wanted sun to come out, I wanted sun to have a chance
I don't have to go get some sun
I wanted sun to come out, have a chance to come out and dominate rain....
Its for sun's sake I wanted it to come out,not for me to get some sun
But you can also go out and get out of this stuffy room and get some air and some sun....
But the air has dogs in it
And the sun ?
I don't want to share the sun's glory,  I am not a free loader like others
You have taken yourself out of life
No I haven't
You have, you don't go out, rain or sunshine, you don't go out, you have taken your self out of life
No I haven't, I have a life, I have a room.

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