Thursday, May 21, 2009


Its all there
One side, the other side
One room, the other room, the room next to the other room
All filled up with remaining things, objects, tight fitting clothes

Tight fitting sound so glamerous
Tight fitting dress sound so sexy
Tight fitting leggings
Dirty socks
Oh, yes dirty socks, thats troublesome
That sound so un-healthy and for sure un-sexy
Glam ladies never heard  the word ,"dirty socks."

Where do you find dirty things ?
And why are they in your house ?
Not in my house
IU don't have a house
So which rooms ? Which chairs ?
Which corners are filled by the objects of your desire
My, my, not only the object of desire....
But the object of my desire.....
Thats too much
Dirty and desire are two different things
Or perhaps fit very well together....
And the chairs ?
So many chairs, so many, so many chairs, sound like Ionesco's play...
Ionesco ?
The Absurdist ?
Yes, the absurd playwright.....
Oh, you live the life of a playwright ?
Not the life of a playwright
But the life of many playwrights with many many chairs and many many chairs
And much more clothes on them
Dirty clothes, dirty ,dirty clothes are the object of my desire...........

Object of the desire of the playwright?
That sound so romantic
The dirty and desire and the playwright
Playwright doesn't sound romantic................
I would rather take dirty clothes on many many chairs rather than being a platwright
The dirty clothes are on many many chairs because the dirty clothes, the dirty clothes
belong to the playwright................

Is the play about the dirty clothes ?
No its about the chairs
But that play was already written by Ionesco...
In that play there were no dirty clothes on the chairs
What was in that play?
Just chairs.....
And in the new play ?
New play ?  New plat by whom ?
By the dirty playwright ?

There is no playwright here
Just chairs....
Who is sitting in those chairs ?
No body
No body ?
Yes, no body................

So why there are so many chairs ?
Because there are so many dirty clothes...
But clothes don't sit on chairs
Why not ?
Clothes are not a person
A person ?
Yes, a person
You are expecting a person ?
I should. there are so many chairs
But they are not empty
But there are no people here
Doesn't matter, people, no people, people don't matter
What matters ?
Dirty things ?
Sure, why not....
Dirty clothes ?
Why not
What are they doing on the chairs ?
Resting ?
Yes, they are resting, they are tired, they are exhausted, they are in New York, they are
People everywhere are exhausted...
But they are not people
But they are sitting on the chairs
Thats only a play, they are sitting on the chairs and not sitting on the chairs...its called an
Absurd play..............
Plays can be absurd ?
Why not ?  There are so many absurd people, why can't there be absurd plays ?

Ok, so are the dirty clothes sitting on so manay many chairs or not ?
If you see them then they are sitting and if you don't see them then they are obviously not sitting.....
I see them and then I don't see them....
You see them before they go to the laundry and you don't see them after they have gone to the laundry....
People go to the laundry ?
Why not ?
To be laundered....
Why do they need to be laundered ?
Because they are dirty............
But you said, only the clothes are dirty...
You mean to say that people are clean ?
I don't know what I mean but you told me that dirty clothes who are supposed to be
People are sitting in those so many chairs and sometimes I see them and some times I don't....

Are you nuts ?  Those kind of absurd things only happen in absurd plays and there is no playwright here and the chairs are full of dirty clothes waiting to go to the laundry....
They are going to walk to the laundry ?
What ?
Are the dirty clothes in the play going to walk to the laundry because its an absurd play ?
You are nuts..............Clothes don't walk to the laundromat, only people....people take them to the laundry to be cleaned
Why ?
Why ????
Yes, why ?
So they can be clean
Why ?
So they can be worn
And ?
And , they can be dirty again
So what"s the point?
Point is to look respectable........

But the name of the play is, Dirty clothes on many many chairs."
What play ?
The play.....
Chairs ?
No the new absurd play ?
There is no new play
So what are these people doing sitting on so many many chairs....
These are dirty clothes waiting to be taken to the laundromat
Who is going to take them ?
No body,  there is no body to take them...they are sitting and waiting and sitting and waiting....
Oh, poor dirty clothes....
No, poor chairs....So many chairs...So many many chairs and people sitting in them
Oh, so people came?
People were already here.....
Then why didn't the people take the dirty clothes to the laundry ?
These are people of the play..Tthey are here and they are not here....You don't get it,
Its all a play, an absurd play, you drive me nuts, you are such a boring realist, its so boring,
The realism, trying so hard to create a kitchen with pots and pans on the stage...So boring
everything right in-front of your eyes, nothing left to the imagination....
So all those dirty clothes on all those chairs are only in your Imagination ?
I can't explain any further. you aren't going to get it....Are you awake yet ?  Need coffee ?
Real coffee or the coffee in your Imagination................
(laughs)  Coffee of my Imagination.....of course, there is no coffee in the house, no milk, no sugar.....
This is a house ?
Sure, don't you see all those chairs full of dirty clothes ?  So many chairs, many many chairs..........full of dirty clothes...................
People are being put in the mac

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