Sunday, July 26, 2009


Its always there
The feeling of inadequacy
What is it that the world had and you didn't
As long as they were there there was more necessity to feel adequate
As long as the power of the degree was behind, the inadequacy didn't feel so heavy

Now all of a  sudden both those things have perished and so is the sense of any power and contentment and pride with it...

That means there was never any sense of power in you at all as a human being
Hiding behind the degree was the shield
Why must you be embarrassed ?
Who pays the bills ?
Just be proud to pay the bills
Don't look for any other accomplishments at all
Only be happy, independent, proud, very, very proud to pay your own bills.
Thats your accomplishment
Now forget about that horrible feeling of inadequacy
Forget about it for one day
Today you won't think of nothing like "Inadequacy." ect, ect, ect,

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