Friday, March 20, 2015


I had too catch a plane
I had to get to the airport
I was frantic
I couldn't find my passport
I couldn't find my passport
I couldn't find my passport

What are you without your passport
Especially when you have to take a journey abroad
When you have to get to a plane
When you have to get to the airport

I was stark naked
I couldn't find any clothes
No pants
No blouse
No skirt
No dress

I was stark naked
And I had to get to the airport
To go somewhere
To a foreign country
What for?
To destroy myself
To become a foreigner
To become an alien
In an alien society

So why so frantic to find the passport ?
Why even go ?

Had no sense of the journey
No sense of purpose
Just concentrated on finding the passport
Finding some clothes to wear
And get to the airport
To a plane
Which will take
Me to a foreign country

Where all my dreams will come true
But this was a dream too
Perhaps turning into a night mare
Getting out of the room seemed like the crucial thing
Can't go out naked though
Police will arrest you
There is no country in the world one can go out stark naked

No matter which democracy
You can't go out naked
Stark naked
No clothes
No underwear
No top
Unheard of
No country will allow it

Liberal country
Or a conservative country
No one will allow you to go out naked in the street
Still desperately looking for the passport
Can't find it
Maybe its a good idea
Stay where ever you are
Thats the yellow brick road to nirvana
Your own room
Your own house
Your own town

No But I must get to the airport
To the plane
On to the plane
Out of here
Into a new dream land
In my dream I never found the dreamland
And when I woke up
I was sweating
My heart was panting
I was breathless
I was sweating
Sweat poring off my pajamas

I was in the dreamland
Real dream world
Free world
Of democracy
How did I get to that plane
Without the passport?
How did I get to the airpot naked?
How did that happen?

Now I was awake
And my terror of a different kind began
The usual terror of the day
Continued from the night
Now where do I go with my passport from here?
I know exactly where it is?
Its in my drawer with other important documents
I know where it exactly is
But where do I go from here with it?

What purpose will it serve?
Which job will I get with it?
And where?
Which freedom is waiting for me?
And where?

I am now fully clothed
Now I can freely go out
But where?
The same coffee shop?
To do what?
To have coffe
Is that the purpose of my passport?
Purpose of me taking such a long and difficult trip
After all the nightmares ?
Just to go for a coffee
Every day

If the coffee was great
That would be another story
Maybe a bit happy story
But after all the heart attacks
And nightmares
A luke warm coffee?
Is that it?
Is that it?
Is that it?

Coffee in a dreamland
After the nightmare
No other purpose
No other destination
Just a luke warm coffee in an expansive coffee shop
Is that it?

I wish the night mare stayed a bit longer
At least I was in my own town during the nightmare
Stark naked but I was in my own room.
Why am I wearing a sweat shirt?

What's the meaning of a sweat shirt?
"Sweat?"  "Shirt?"

Sweat in a shirt?
Why could I have sweated naked?
Why I had to buy a freedom "Sweat shirt" to sweat in it?

The nightmare continues
The terror continues
Dream is terror stricken
Terror of the soul
In exile
In my dream I am always in exile
And I am always in exile when I am awake
Awake and asleep his the same thing
Like the same coffee shop
The same coffee shop
The same coffee shop…………………..

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