Saturday, March 21, 2015


We were in the elevator
Me and another person
i think a man
We were in the opposite corners of the elevator
Not saying anything to each other as usual
Strangers are not supposed to talk to each other
Neither in a dream nor in life
So we were just quiet
And waiting

It seemed like a long time
In the elevator
I was only going to the fourth floor
I don't know which floor the other person was going to
I think the second person in the elevator was a man
Doesn't really matter if the person was a man or a woman
Doesn't matter
Nothing matters
One doesn't talk to any one any more
We live in a civilized society
Do we not?

Yes, we do
We live in a very civilized society
Only civilized society has elevators
In which people huddle together silently
Only hating each other
But never talking to each other
But that makes sense
Why would any one who hate
Should talk
Hate is amazing
It can be very powerful in its silence

When hate speaks
There occurs violence
Hate had been so silent for so long
That it bursts up into smithereens of violence
Its better if people, 'Civilized." people just hate
Each other silently
Thats the best plot
Remain silent
And then get off the elevator
And then mutter to yourself,
;I hate the human race."
But silently
To yourself only

Talk to only yourself
Murmur only to yourself
Not very loud
Thats what ,"Murmur" means
So very silently express hate
Towards the human race
You are allow dot do that
No violation of freedom of speech then
Only when you hate the world openly
You are causing offense

Some times not even offense
Sometimes you cause nothing but hating someone openly, loudly
It depends who you are hating
Thats the most important element in the story
In any story
In any popular story
And there always a popular story

So one can never tell who one is hating in the elevator
And in this case there were only two people
I the elevator
Me and him
On two opposite sides of the elevator
Waiting patiently to get out
Thats what we are all doing
Or some of us are doing
Especially me
We have so much patience
Our parents told us to be patient

Patient till you die
'Be patient child, be patient."
Always patient
Patient for insults
Patient for humiliation
Patient for injustice
Patient for being ignored
Patient for being dismissed

When is this elevator going to reach the fourth floor
Its been a long time
Its been so long that I have been in this elevator
With a stranger
Quietly staring at each other
Behaving as we are not staring
Looking here and there
Always behaving under any circumstances

Elevator is not moving
Not moving at all
Not moving at all
'Oh! the elevator is not moving."
We say to each other
We talk
We talk to eat other
Only during a catastrophe we , the civilized ones." talk to each other
"Elevator is not moving
Lets get out
We press the first floor
The door doesn't open
We press the fourth floor
The door doesn't open
We press all floors
The elevator door doesn't open
Neither the elevator
Moves up or down
Nor the door opens so we can get out
We are stuck
Tats what always happens in the dreams
I am always stuck
Some where, somehow, stuck
While asleep
Stuck while awake
Glue is too strong
Stuck walking
Stuck sleeping
Stuck while wide awake
Am I ever awake?

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