Wednesday, February 25, 2009


What's the anxiety ?
Do I know?
Wouldn't it go away if I knew...
Its of so many things, the usual stuff

I don't know if its because of the Un-ending cold weather or Obama never forgetting
to mention how he is going to take care of Pakistan and its terrorists...
Anxiety starts there whenever Obama is going to make any speech of any significance
I know he is going to mention Pakistan somehow somewhere....
And it never fails...Never
And how do I know that he is going to do that ?
How come I am always sure that he is going to mention the word, Pakistan ?
I know...Because he never fails to do that...
And then people stand up and give him another standing ovation...
They used to do the same for Bush also....Standing ovations and applause
They show the world that they are really serious in having some kind of conflict some-where all the time
And everyone in the congress stands up and give them standing ovations....

And you ask me where is the anxiety coming from ?
"I never ask you anything....I hardly know you. you are a recluse now, you are not the same, the same social animal,
going out, having passionate debates about Issues and expressions of concerns about the human demise."

And why should I have concerns about human demise ? First of all no one is human any more...
Only the poor and down trodden and slum-dwellers...
The Influential stand up and applaud at the mention of wars and missiles and kills...
Which human beings are having debates about the concerns of other human beings ?

'many...for example, the human rights groups, the Amnesty, the Ngo's>"

What are they doing ?

'They are travelling, going to different countries, having lunches, having cocktails, having disscussions, trying, at -least trying...."
You are right, they are trying while they are travelling...thats a good reduce my anxiety I have to travel...yes, thats the answer...and who is going to pay the travel expanse and the lunch money ?

'Thats your job...Find a way...join human rights groups, Amnesty groups, join them, go travel like all the good will ambassodors like, Angelina Jolloie and Cloony ect."

Oh, you mean the stars ?

'They are good will people."
So am I
"B ut you are sitting at have to travel to the down-trodden poor, conflict ridden countries such as Pakistan now and have disscussions with other humanitarian groups.."
After lunch or before lunch ?
'Doscussions take place after and before lunches and there are many coffee breaks."
That sounds really good
'Yes, its really good, you do the humanitarian work and they pay you and you talk and talk and eat lunch and go sight seeing."
There are sight to see in the conflict areas?
'Yes many sights to see, many hungry children, diseased with running noses and shivering legs in the flies ridden areas."
Oh! thats sad....
'But you can have faboulous lunch after that. Other people's poverty and hunger makes one very hungry."
So if I joined all those groups and travelled with them will Obama stop talking about Bombing Pakistan ?
'Whether he stops or not, your anxiety will go away because now you will be having discussion with other peace loving people and eating ."
But my anxiety is from Obama talking about Bombing Pakistan...
'What the hell would you care about Pakistan if you al ready belong to a peace movement, you will be clearing your own mind
with action."
And Obama's action will destroy my parents graves....
"Oh! I see....I didn't see it this way....I am American....
Thats the source of anxiety and it gets more aggravated every time Obama mentions Pakistan in very ominous way....
"Still you should join some peace loving NGO'S and have debates....get out of the apt and Do not watch any of Obama's speech ever again....."
Something to think about....thank you...I am going to throw the tv out....
"I thought you already did threw your tv out when Bush was waging war against Iraq."
I did...but then I bought another TV set when Obama was running for president because I loved him and had lots of hope for the change....
'" Change is there honey....No more Iraq....lets move new frontiers...thats what America means....I know, I am American
and thus has no anxiety of any kind...missiles will always fall in other place ...Terror ridden places...Well if you didn't come from places like Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran and Pakistan, you won't be anxiety stricken. Think American, be American, Stand up and give standing ovations and applaud for your safety....come on cheer up...lets go have breakfast, scrambled eggs, with whole wheat toast, and salad on the side with oil and vinegret, eat healthy and your thoughts will become healthy, you will start to see things differently....let Obama drop bombs on Pakistan, and if your mind is healthy, you will begin to think he is dropping flowers, Chamli flowers and Nargis flowers and Jasmine flowers....all your favorite flowers and you will smell the exotic smell of all those childhood flowers of yours and all your anxiety will go away."

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