Sunday, February 15, 2009


Where the hell did it come from ?
Not from back home
No, not at all
All hard working, active people, working from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn...
Every day the same thing
The same melancholy of lethargy and sadness and despair engulfs the souls of certain people
People of an other race and faith in the land of free
Never understood the meaning of the word, "The land of free."
Who is free ?
The one playing tennis ?
Or the one doing yoga ?
Or the one on treadmill ?

Thats one kind of freedom, for sure...
Activity of the body keeps the mind fit and away from melancholy

Time to go to the gym
and what to do there ?
Can't even operate those machines...
And where to leave the mind,
That active and questioning mind...
Always questioning...

Why are you wasting your life ?
Why did you come here ?
What"s your purpose in life ?
Why are you getting so lethargic in body and mind ?

I guess one can ask the same question while on a tread mill
At least some pounds of fat will melt
Even if the mind is never going to be cured of this mysteriously present malady
Where did it come from ?
And how it never left ?

Curious about its origins if not its disappearance
It likes certain people
Their smell. their aura...
Not much of an aura any more..
Just the fat...

Where did the lumps come from ?
Lumps of sugar perhaps...
But there is no sugar available in this room...
Too much sorrow of leaving the house full of sugar
In a house full of sugar one was very slim...
Happiness perhaps cut the effects of sugar
In a room starved of sugar
The heart is heavy so is the body
The lethargy and melancholy drags one from avenue to avenue....
Which road to take today on a sunday ?
The same one you took yesterday, saturday....
The same one ?
Yes, the same one....

Oh! the sameness, the sameness, the sameness.......

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