Saturday, February 14, 2009


The city is ever new and a stranger to me
As if its the first time I am seeing it
Excitement is mixed with some kind of sadness as if I am not sure about my past in it
My past is not in it
I am just passing through it
But I have been passing through it for a long long time...
I am still a tourist
Good or bad /
I don't know it
I want to feel that I am familiar with it
Perhaps I read about it
Perhaps I passed through it before
But the city doesn't feel like mine
It doesn't accept me
Maybe I don't accept it either
Some thing is not right

The walk is familiar and non familiar
Like a dream in the rainy foggy night
Mist all over the city when the sun is also shining
Is it my city ?
It can be
Then why do I feel like a tourist ?
Because you are stubborn
Or the city is....

Its all right to be tourist also
One spend a lot of money to be a tourist
One takes long journeys into the unknown
Expecting it to be fun
And its just a disaster
Or expecting a disaster
Which turns into fun...
But thats not the case
No one expects a tour to be a disaster
Otherwise they won't go on the tour
And who ever takes the tour is a tourist
And if one is a tourist one doesn't own the city

But no one owns the city
The natives do
The natives think that they do
But they don't
Some time when onr is a tourist one asks a native for directions
And they don't seem to live in the city
They seem like they are also passing by
They don't know what's in the next street
Or where is the next street
Perhaps they don't understand the accent of the tourist
Or they just simply resent the tourist

But its always good to be a tourist
You find new roads, new lanes, new parks, new cafes, new galleries
It cheers you up
For a week or two or a month
Thats a blessing
Cheering up....

One should walk in the city like a tourist
Then you won't be depressed of the sameness of the day
Take a different route going...
Going where-ever you are going
And take a different route from where-ever you are coming back...

Turn towards different corners
Who knows what one will find there
Maybe a mugger, or a murderer...
Or a lover...lost for a 100 years searching for you...

Didn't you leave some one behind when you left ?
Perhaps that person has been looking for you
Perhaps that person is around the corner......
Perhaps that person is also a tourist
Walking around for a very long time, looking for you.

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