Thursday, February 12, 2009

Never have known the anguish which engulfs one in the morning and in the evening.

Never ?
What a surprise ?
Its present in every existence every minute of the day and night
Not knowing what to do in the morning...
Not knowing what to do in the evening...
Thats the problem.
Do what all ladies do...
And what do all ladies do ?

They clean
They cook
They do the laundry
They do dishes
They clean
They cook
They do the laundry

I don't know those ladies
Those are not ladies
Those are house wives
What's wrong with being house wives

You have to have a house to be house wives

Don't be so literal
Life is a metaphor
The,"HOUSE" means an apt, a studio apt, a dark, narrow strip where you enter and throw yourself
on a rickety mat.

Ok then, throw yourself on the mattress and cry your heart out day and night
Do not do the dishes
Do not do the cooking
Do not do the laundry
Do not clean

Just cry your heart out.
In Manhattan you can do that
In Manhattan you can do anything

Stay in and rot
Go out and have fun
Go to the gallery openings
Drink a lot of cheap free wine and become an alcoholic
Sit in a coffee shop over a lousy coffee and chat on the internet
Go to the cinema and watch Lian Neeson kill every bad guy in Paris single handedly where no one dare stop him
and he brings his daughter back home to Los Angeles with only a broken wrist and his ex wife, the daughter's mother and her super rich new husband doesn't even have the decency to give you a ride, neither does his lovely daughter, Kim whom he saved from the jaws of the most corrupt Arab Sheikh who buys her for $5oo-ooo offers her dad to come along in their fancy car, nor does she insists that her dad who just saved her life after killing almost 100 sex trafficker Albinians in Paris must not take a cab from the airport to his simple dwelling. She can't plead to her mother or to her rich step=dad, "Oh1 for heaven's sake we must give my real dad who brought me back from death in Paris to real life in Los Angeles, he deserves a ride in our fancy car and maybe a decent meal...
No, no one insists on giving him a ride from the airport. They get into their fancy car and Kim, the lovely daughter whom Liam Neeson just saved after killing every one in the streets of Paris without any police ever showing up to ask him a question or two just says, "Thank you dady." with teary eyes and they all ride into the sunset happily ever after and Liam Neeson, the star takes a taxi ....

Yes, go to the cinema, see movies like this one, this one is called, "TAKEN" and you won't ever have to think of doing cleaning or cooking or laundry...the real life doesn't have to be dealt with in Manhattan...its a fantasy Island and who ever treats it like a fantasy doesn't ever have to do the dishes....but just Do NOT WAKE UP EVERY DAY WITH ANGUISH AND DO NOT EVERY NIGHT GO TO THE MATTRESS WITH ANGUISH....Forget the cleaning and cooking and live in Manhattan....
go to the cinema...go to the gallery...go get drunk...throw the dirty dishes out...don't clean them....throw them out the window...break the neighbor's neck...throw the dirty clothes out, don't clean them...if you clean things such as dishes and clothes, they get dirty again...and again...throw them out, you live in what Manhattan offers....and it offers a are just crying over get up and start throwing things out of the window and then go to the cinema....
Think of Tennessee Williams and whenever you have anguish over anything go to thecinema and see how everything is possible in a movie....
Live your life as if you are in a a star...stars don't do dishes, they are in a movie....they are called, "Movie stars."
Do you ever see them having anguish over dirty dishes or cooking or laundry ?
Where do you think you live ?
In a typhoid and malaria stricken village full of mal=nourished African children in the third world ?
No honey, you live in you get up and be a Manhattanite.....go to the gallery opening and get drunk over the free wine and sneak in the cinema and live a movie star's life....Be in the movie while you are watching the movie...
and be in the movie when you come back and be in the movie when you look at the squallor around you.
You are in a movie which takes place in Manhattan...the daily and nightly anguish has no room in it....edit those scenes from your movie.....

Now wasn't that helpful ? Your morning therapy session....
Now get up and take a shower....ok ? You have abusy schedule ahead of you....
Museums, movies, galleries, theater and cinema, yes, CINEMA....A MOVIE....A MOVIE STAR....

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