Monday, July 13, 2015



I am running and running and running
From the East side to the West side
Late for a performance
Both booked almost at the same exact moment

When I go to the East side
I realize that the performer ahead of me is still not finished
They are running late
Then I worry that I will be late for the West side performance
So I run and run to the other side
There are lots of stairs and people on both sides
People are becoming hateful towards me
They see me running madly back and forth

When I come back again to the East side
I realized that the woman ahead of me is just setting up so I leave and run to the other side
I run fast
While I am running I am also shampooing my hair
I have a long cord for the hand held shower
I am washing my hair at the same time I am running to get to the venues to perform
The performance for which I am late
But they, the other people, the other performers are still not finished performing
So I wonder that maybe I should run to the other Venue on the West side and perform there first
So I run while still shampooing my hair and realize that I have left my coat and purse on the chair where the other performer was setting up her act
So I run back to the East side again to get my coat and my purse

I never make it to the West side Venue
Because there are lots of stairs on the both sides
East and West
Up and down, up and down I go
Back and forth I run
I run and run
But I never make it to any place
Not true....
I do make it to the East side Venue
But I never perform
Because my turn had not come yet
The other performers are behind
And then I run to the West side venue
But never make it there
Because there are so many stairs and people are rushing back and forth
and I can't hold on to the banister
And I am afraid that I will fall
So I leave the West side and run back to the East side
And my turn hadn't come yet..............
In my dream I am exhausted and feel that I am near a heart attack situation
But I still keep washing my hair with a hand held shower and spreading a lot of
water along the way
The road is so wet
I must fall on the wet road
But I keep running
I know in my dream that I am running very very fast
But I never make it to the West side venue and my turn to perform at
the East side venue never comes................

Then I wake up
I am sweating all over
Soaking wet with the fear
My heart pounding and pounding
The room is hot as hell
And I am so disappointed in my self
And I realized that I haven't performed in my awake life for a long time
And I haven't washed my hair since a month.............................

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