Wednesday, April 1, 2009


They were all reading poems
So they said
"I am a poet."
So they said
And went on
And couldn't make sense of what they were reading
"Poems"  they said,  "Poems make no sense some times.
"Like life."  they said,  "Life just Passes by and makes no sense in the end."  they said
And they read and read and people slept and slept

It wasn't boring,  it just wasn't amusing or funny or heart wrenching
But why should it be ?
Why heart wrenching things are considered good ?
Poetry especially...
Not every one is Ted Hughes...
Lots of people committed suicide in his vicinity
his stuff has to be heart wrenching...
But poetry wasn't making any one laugh or giggle
But its not supposed to
Its serious stuff
People have to be serious and awake and alert and look sad
No,  that is not necessary...
Sad is just an expression
You don't have to be sad,  you can just look sad to make the tragic poet happy
But its not necessary...
Poetry can be happy and funny and Humorous
Though not many people are
Or they are not good readers...
Most of the good poets are not good readers...
They are busy writing
and who says they should be great readers ?

Its just more enjoyable if they were...
It will pass the hour in a fun kind of way...
Why do you always search for fun ?
I don't....not always but it can be fun to have some fun....
I love funny poetry and a funny reader
Then I have to come back to an-unfunny apt...
I have to have a funny reader to cheer me up...
I guess I should go for comedians and not poets
But comedians are so stupid,  so so stupid,  most of them...
Silly,  stupid....
They think that the more stupid they are the more funny they are...
But they are just stupid and no stupid person is a funny person

I can't be near stupid comedians
I will take a bad poet any day...
I am going to look for more poets reading their sad poetry
in a sadly bad way....
A reader is a reader is a reader....
I wish he was a good one....
I wish he could pronounce his words right...
I wish he could read his own writing with a tiny bit more confidence....
After-all he wrote it....
Why can't he read it ?
I mean read it well....
Oh,  well,  give the poor poet a break....
A good poet is not a good reader....Some times
Yes,  some times,  well,  most of the times,
A good poet is not a great reader.

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