Thursday, March 26, 2009


It filters through so many pores
leaks and leaks till the sexy T shirts are full of stink
Horribly angry,  they are, the sold out crowd
For money they will do anything...
And manipulate the misery on the other

Whoever is there to take it and whatever way they take it
Attention must never be paid to these people
No matter how much they seek it
Ignore them
Never be provoked by them
Thats what they want
To provoke you
Never allow it again

You owe no explanation
Why must explanation of any kind must be given to them ?
Why ?
Do they pay your rent ?
Try to explain only to the one who pays your rent...

Isn't that you who pays your rent ?
Yes thats you
And you are the only one who must expect the explanation of things big and small
Only you are answerable to you
No one else
Next time any one want to badger you for any reason
Smile and ignore,  ignore,  ignore

Only answer to your own questions

The moment you feel the provocation coming,  try politely to get away from the topic or get away from the place
Do not indulge Un-necessary elements into your life or into your  time....
What's the matter with you ?
Why do you shake with fear when people are aggressive to you ?
They are pieces of S**T
And you are trembling
What ?
Do they scare you ?
Yes,  there vulgarity is so awesome
Another reason never to explain anything to vulgarity
Vulgarity is there for a reason
And that is to be more and more and more vulgar and get you involved
Stay out of that moment
Be alert about that moment
Just refuse politely to be out of that moment when they want you to be answerable to their vulgarity...

There is a great sense of truth and honesty which frighten peopkle
And their sword to defend themselves is vulgarity
And you don't need that
Your truth is your weapon
Your honesty is your weapon
Your talent is your weapon

Let them have a check
Let them have it wrapped up with dishonesty,  Manipulation,  greed,  lack of decency
Let them have it wrapped up with vulgarity and aggression to scare people like you
Peole who are innocent of the crinme
Innocent and kind hearted
Its all a scheme
Scheme to get ahead
Ahead where ?
Wherever they are going...
Do you want to go there ?

Not the way they are going
So be yourself
But never ever let any one of those venom ridden big mouths throw you of the top of mountain
Stay there and ignore them
Do not indulge them
Thats below you
Just Ignore them....
Be aware that you have to ignore from now on and smile
Smile and do not be provoked
They will try
Oh,  gee they will
Oh! they will
And they will
And they will
Till you are provoked again
And thats their victory
They are trying to win over you
Its something about you which triggers their cord
and they want to win over you and win the battle
Yes,  there is a battle going on
And they want to win it
And they provoke you till you scream
And then they win
Let them win the battle
Its their own ugly battle of guilt and shame if they have any
They are all sold out for a check
They lie and say things the other want to hear
The other who is paying them the check...

So they are frightened that your honesty and truth might ruin the check coming to them
So they provoke you so you can look ugly...
Let them win the battle if they want
But you have already won...
You are not in a battle
You never were
You never were in an ugly battle....
Don't scream....
You are not in a battle
They want you to scream and curse because they are battling with you without your permission
Don't let them
Smile and walk away from the ugly aggression....
Smile,  your god gave you a different purpose
And you often forget that purpose....
Truth is that purpose and you never have to explain your truth to any one...
Smile and protect your truth with that smile....
Truth is never protected by the shout and who can shout the loudest...
Truth is protected by a smile and silence.......

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