Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The snow is back
As if it never went away
The same warnings
The same freezing cold,syayic,grey days
And then it comes...
At night
The snow...

And then cripple things..
Little and big things...
Such as walking a few blocks
And going out for a coffee...

The fear of slipping
Slipping now on the ice
Fear of slipping was never apparent before
But it had been there always
Slipping and failure
Is that the same ?

Had a bad dream last night
A long and a bad dream
Always the same dream though
Never being able to get to the final destination
Whether its an exam
Or a performance
Or to the airport
Some times the passport is missing
Some times the train has left the station
Some times can't find the clothes
Some times things are at different locations
A lot of stress in the dreams
Running around totally stressed out and anguished
Nothing ever accomplished
Nothing ever completed
In the dream I mean

In life some times
In the winter, most of the time
Little Things such as walking...
Grocery shopping
Carrying the laundry
Buying the milk from the bodega
Though there are no bodegas around
All BMW's

No one walking...
People take there cars to go shopping
Nothing stops the shopping
Neither the snow fall or the economy
All theaters are packed
All cafe's are packed
All cinema's packed

Whose economy is down ?
I guess the one who doesn't go to the cafe
Or the cinema
Or the theater
Their economy is always down
But they can walk around at least
When its nice and sunny

When was it nice and sunny ?
Its been a long winter
A long, long winter
And a lot of snow
Iwish I was from Buffalo
Then I would have been used to the snow and its aftermath
The slush and the sloth and the slippery side walks
Thats the most fearful thing for me
The slippery side walks...

Perhaps thas what my childhood and adulthood dreams were all about
More like nightmares
They are night mares
They were night mares
Which never left me alone all my life

Those night mares were the future warnings of the slippery side walks
Whether I slipp or not
The fear is there
And fear is always successful...

Lets bundle up and try to defeat fear
And walk slowly and carefully...
Thats what the wise people say, "Be careful."
Walk carefully on the slippery side walks ...

Whats the purpose of living in the snowy zones ?
Whats the purpose of suffering year after year after....?
Why not go to the dessert ?
Which dessert ?
A sunny dessert
Where will I sleep ?

" So you suffer just for the sake of sleep ?"
Sleep is everything...Every=thing
What else is there except sleep, "That balm of nature."
'But you have night-mares."
Thats true...Night mares at night and slippery side walks during the day

"Thats how it is...In the name of snow one slips.

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