Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yes, I take them with me to the cafe....
My dead parents I mean.......
They sit quietly and I order for them.
My mother drinks Darjling tea and
my father wants to try the Western coffee.
I asked him if he wants American coffee or
a cappuccino.....

He wants American coffee.
He is proud of American coffee and of America....
After all this is where his daughter made
a big, wide, fabulous career for herself....

So I order an American coffee with milk, hot milk I emphasis.....
The waiter is sick of me and my request of hot milk always.

"Where do these junglies come from"?
He must wonder.
Its boiling hot outside and she always insist on hot, hot, hot, extra hot
Poor thing she must be so cold
Or she must not have any hot blood in her at all..............

Both I guess....
Totally freezing in this heat.....
The air conditioning seeps through my bones
"'Its very cold in here"
My father says
'Yes, Its so cold...I didn't think of carrying my shawal in 90 degrees weather>"
My nother says

'Thats when you carry a shawal mother, when its 90 degrees
also a sweater and a coat maybe............"
I say to my mother
'You always carry shawals, sweaters, sneakers, jackets, backpacks
in this country." "YOu carry your luggage with you in case
you don't want to come back home".
My mother asks
'In case you decide to go traveling and never come back home."
I say
"LIke you."
My mother says

After that no one talks.....
we just sip tea or coffee or whatever we are sipping
in a Western cafe with Eastern dead people. We keep sipping
whatever slowly, very slowly without talking.....
and the evening takes over and the light outside changes.....

"We have to go."
My father says to my mother
'Where are we going?"
My mother asks him

They are going home
"Can she come too.?"
My mother asks
'No. Not yet........."
My father says
Where is she going to go?"
My mother asks my father about me
'She has her own home here."
My father says to my mother.
'She has her own home here...thats why she left."

After that they quietly get up and leave the cafe............
while I am still sitting there...................

Once I had both
and my parents
and the court yard and
the sun
and the mangoes
and the chamli flowers............
and ny childhood
and the dream
the dream, dreams actually, many dreams, many, many dreams..............

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