Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Now there is no need
no need for inclusion
The intention of inclusion is only
to full-fill a need
the need of the one who wants to include for the purpose
which will accommodate the need of the one who wants
to include.
Its not for company or social hour or for pleasure.
Its purely the need of the hour.
The hour when and where some work must be done.
The work which is most important concern and the motivation
of the hour.
When that hour is passed, the need is over.
Its not the warmth of companionship.
Its to kill two birds with the same stone


The poem comes out of your inside out
All blood and veins and guts...
How can one eliminate the beautiful from the ugly?
The sight is revolting, if not only disgusting and repulsive...
But than the depth of the thought is all.
Isn't it?
The pain of the moment...
The birth of the poem, when the guts soaking with blood
were turned inside out.


You can't fake affection
You can't have business with affection
Affection makes you no money
Business does...........
Love is not about calculating how to use the other......
The other who is capable of love and you are not
Its like a clear glass.........
The clarity shows what's in it....
Affection shows.......


You have to do something positive out of the negative
You just can't eliminate the negative from your life
It will keep coming back
From all directions........
How many directions can you turn away from and still
reach your destination?
Keep going...
Keep embracing the negative
and turn it into an opportunity for yourself.
Its up to you to that for yourself.
All is up-to you except your death.


You have to take care of these people
and the remarks they make which offends your sensibility...
If you don't they will keep doing it and you will keep reducing
your worth and self esteem...........
No fucking thing is worth it, worth reducing your self esteem
No diamond or a myonaise soaked tuna sandwitch, they call,"lunch"
Don't ever give any one ever the chance.........
You hear?
Nasty people around you all your life
Take care of it now since you only became aware of it now...........
Now, it took you that long to know that people are nasty?


A person of sun
Uncomfortable within his own skin
Constricting ideological precision was fitted on him.
"Neither be killers nor victims." Camus
"Nouveau rich pharisees of justice." Camus


Have to change
Change life
Good life
Is it?
Bad life
Is it?
Have to change life
Not happy with it
Need to change routine
That's in case there is one
There is none.........
That's a major problem

Find a routine
Have one........

Only having coffee in a cafe
That's the routine
But after that
After what?
Having coffee in a cafe
After that?

Its all confusion after that
After having coffee in a cafe...
Its all confusion after that, frustration, unhappiness...
Actually that's the routine
Unhappiness and confusion after having coffee in a cafe....
Should be happy in that routine
Not many people have that
They all want that
To have coffee in a cafe
They work 9 to 5 all their lives just to have that
having a coffee in a cafe
And that's your unhappiness?
Be grateful for that unhappiness
Be happy in that blessed unhappiness

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