Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Can't go there right now
Too early to be at the gilded domesticity
And its not so gilded either....
Its just the tedious domesticity
A hateful trap....

To reduce your sorrow
I will give you another dollar

"Thanks. But if only the dollar was able to reduce
My sorrow...."
Oh! your life is so painful

"You didn't know that?"

Other people's needs have become our
And their desires to build have become our

The bombs rain on the sleeping children
To make the powerful nations secure in their
Opera houses.....

They say, "THey are threatened by the human terror
while listening to Mahler and Brahms...

The children of terror will die in their sleep
If they were lucky...
Or will live after loosing their limbs, their eyes, their brains
On fire
In the hell fire called, "Life" their, "Tiny life."
Their tiny existence...These tiny babies
Are a threat to the bombers and to their
They fly so far away, so, so far to
To maim...
For their security

Its too much
Far too much
This ugly reality
Stark ugly reality
I must not stare at it
At this stark naked, ugly reality
One must live inside of a dream.

But how does one capture the dream
If one can't sleep at night?
Sleep has been murdered

Life eventually became an aberration
All strength, all will sucked up to the
Anxiety of loss...

Loss of a mother
Loss of a father
Loss of a home
A brother
A sister
A loss of a bazar full of beggars and flies..........

Came for an adventure
Not knowing
Not knowing the scheme of things
The adventure ended before arrival....

The anguish took over and
Lasted for so long....
That must be the adventure
In the free world
Constant, gnawing, prickly anguish.................

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