Monday, August 27, 2018


I picked up the coffee when te wiatress put it infront of e at te coffee bar area,
I took a sip and then asked the waitress, " Could you please make it hotter?"

And there was another customer standing on the othher side of the counter and
this cup of coffee was actually for him but the waitress had put it in-front of me and I for sure assumed that it was for me.  And why would I not assume?  The coffee was placed right in-front of me and not the other customer who was actually standing a bit far from the counter but after I spoke to the waitress, he bud in...and said to the waitress pointing at me, "Oh! she has already taken a sip"

And that's  when I realized that the coffee was meant for him but since the waitress placed it
right infront of obviously it wasn't my fault that I took a sip from the cup...

But the other customer looked very very angry at me instead of being angry at the waitress and said to me in an obnoxious manner, "Did you order a coffee?"

What nerve , I thought, what nerve.. can you believe it? but people have nerve...its NY and it was a fashionable coffee shop...

And I said to him, "Would I take a sip out of a coffee cup which was placed infront of me if I had not ordered that coffee, you fuck."  Off course I didn't use the four letter word but the angry man, his anger was very much for my accent and my skin color, obviously he was much lighter thhan me...he was white and an American and obviously more important than me, a woman, darker with an accent and thus having no importance of any kind whom any one could insult for taking a sip from a coffee cup payed by some one else like a gypsy...I was so angry and furious at him but I kept my cool because I am always the loser if I lose my cool because like James Baldwin said, 'We are savages because wite people think that we are and savages have savage behavior and they come to fancy cafe's in Manhattan and take sips from other  peoples's food... behaving as if its mant for them...

After my question to him about whether I would take a sip from the fucking coffee if I had never ordered and payed for one he was much mire furios at me and hated me more and then came and sat right next to me and ruined my concentration for reading my book and he himself stayed angry at me throughout his stay, (I wonder why he sat next to me?  To bother and disturb me more and more I guess)  he hated me for tasting my own coffee, thhe coffee I had already paid for and which was served to me...(I had no god damned adea that it was his coffee but was served to me and how the hell would I know that?)

Unbelievable...Actually not so un-believable.  People are miserable and it was thanksgiving
afternoon at a fancy shmancy French cafe in fancy Shamnacy Manhattan.  The place was called,
"BALTHAZAR'  and that supremict could never imagine a minority with an accent ordering a very pricy coffee there...

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