Friday, August 31, 2018



I love to play dead people

Who come back and become actors

And immediately get a part in an avant-gard play

But the best thing about being dead and still playing a part in human drama

Is that you don't take anything seriously at all like you did when you were living.

Everything becomes amusing

The audience, the critics, the fellow actors, director

They all seem foolish, egotistical, worried, rushing about, jealous, competitive,


What for?

To get ahead, I guess

Get ahaed to which destination?

None except where we ended up...

I want to remind the living to calm down, make peace, stop competing...

But hell no,

I say to myself...

"Leave them alone"

They don't deserve company and advice...

Just amuse yourself at their expense...

Watching them and the fellow actors who might be living or maybe living dead...

Because they have no energy, no voice, no sense of humor...

Just repeat their lines like robots...

Programmed robots...

Thats not fun...

Machines are never fun...

In hell there are no machines

Just dead people

They are fun

The dead people I mean...

They move slowly

I call it, "Slow motion"

Like a movie

Since we are not in a movie but we can still have slow motion in it

Thus making believe that there is a movie inside of the play

You see that's the fun of being an artist, , "Make believe"

The living actors are not so good at, "Make believe"

They are too anxious, too anxiety stricken, too neurotic

They go for soul cycle, gymnasiums, eat holistic food, whole foods, organic foods

Take tons of supplements, drink green smoothies, go for Yoga, meditation,

And come out of it sweating...

"H!, I am sweating, don't come near me." They say, "I just came out of Kondolini Yoga" I am


What they mean is, "Don't come near me."  Thy are afraid of fuman beings, especially the living

human beings, not the dead human beings because on Halloween, they all immitate death.

They want to look as dead as possible to scare real death...

I mean they are fooling themselves, how the hell are you going to scare real death?

Deep down all iving are afraid of death and if you are afraid of something you can't scare that thing


They say, "I am not afraid of death."  Thats a big fat lie....Every one is afraid of death.

Trust me when I was alive I was obssessed with death...just the mere fact of death....

People used to say to me, "Oh! you ae so morbid, you only think of death, talk about death."

"Yes, I do, because I am afraid of it and that's why I talk about it."

"My therapist told me that when you talk about something, after a while it goes away..."

But people don't believe it.  They are into denial..  I don't care.  I just don't care any more

especially about people.  One hell of bloody trouble makers, all of them.  I am happy to be dead.

Only after my death I got a part in a play....

When I was alive ad went for auditions, The casting directors would ask me,

"Oh1 so what category do you belong to?"

'What do you mean?  Category?"  What's a category?

I am a human being, a woman, an actress, a wonderful actress, with creative imagination

unlike some of the actors you cast in your theater who are so wooden, one can build a studio apt out


them...we need apts in Manhattan, we can bring all those deadly un-movable un-flexible wooden

trunks ....

called, "ACTORS" and finally built a book shelf."



"Yes, which categry ?  "You are ethnic?  Arn't you not? 'Minority?, Asian?  South Asian?

Pan Asian?  South East Asian? Black?  Brown?  Yellow? "From the third world?" "or some kind of


"Third world, "She asked me.  She asked me if I am from the third world?

'I guess she is assuming that she is from the first world."

'Ok.  Ok, now who decided about the first world and the third world?  What happened to the second


Who is from the second world?

Where is the second world?

Is that Newzeland?

Boring, boring, boring

Ok, so this casting director has decided that there is a first world and a third world and obviously she

is putting me in the third world category...

I am sure she has put herself in the first world...

But of course...


Because her skin color is like a bleached blond wig

And me?

Black olive when I am in the sun and green and yellowish olive when I am in the shade....

Ok.  What does that mean?  Do I get the part?

"No, she says.  The part is for the actors from the first world.

"Oh! but there is globaliztion now.  Immigration is exploding, people here are speaking a million

languages, what language the play is in?

"English obviously... what else?  We are English speaking people.

Oh! you are the colonizer?

I am the casting director

You cast?

Yes, I cast

Then cast me

I can't cast you

Why not?

You are the third world

I am?


I didn't know

You didn't know that you are from the third world?

You just told me

You didn't know?

You just told me...

Oh! I see, that's why you have been auditioning for the first world plays?

What are the first world plays?

Plays which take place in the first world, plays which are written by the first world,

plays which are being acted by the first world actors

Where are they?


The first world actors?

They left...

They left?


Because they were faking it.  They were not really the first world, they looked like the first world

they were light skinned but they were talking gibberish and the first world actors don't speak


You want to bet

Bet about what?  There is no dispute about it

No dispute that you are a colonizer and thus a lier

I don't know the word, 'Colonizer."  I am the boss and I know the word boss

and you are taking too much of my time, I have to audition other actors

The first world actors?

Yes, the first world actors

Where are they?

They are not  here yet


But he is sitting next to you

what does that mean?

By association... with you he lost the part

He is not associated with me, he is just sitting next to me...

That's the whole point...

Listen, I don't give a shit about this crap...this play of yours...

I don't give a shit...

You don't give a shit


I thought you were an actor

I am

and you don't give a shit whether you get a part or not?


Why not

I quit the business


Just now...

When I was alive

So you are not an actor

No, not any more...

What are you then?

I have instantly become a playwight.  I have imagination.  With imagination one can do anything...

What are you doing here?  This is some one else's play

You don't say...

How can you call yourself a playwright without talent and being from the third world?

That's a big surprise, the talent, the gift.  God gave us something to

compensate for our dark skin... we can write, we cayour oing togn recite, we are poets, poets of the third world...

You couldn't have written a play?

I did, I just did...and watch out because I am going to become a theater critic in an instant

and shred play to bits...with my imagination I am now a critic and I am going to destroy your play.

God gave all of us gifts, you are blond and I am black and that's how it is and that's how its going to

be...We will have our differences till we die and that's a should have cast me, you should

have made peace...

I couldn't

Why not?

Because of our differences

Now I don't need a part, now I am a critic who is...


And what?

Where will you go after you destroy my play?

I will go back to hell...In hell every one is of the same color...God is fair afterall....

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