Sunday, January 24, 2016



I was in some one else's apt

It was so manageable unlike mine

But some of the things in there belonged to me

I wondered how they got in their place....

I am either looking for myself in my dreams or looking for my

missing things....

Some thing is always missing in my life

Also missing in my dreams

I am so sick of these dreams

Always the same shit...looking for something

not finding it, looking again, not finding it, looking and looking.........

So tired of looking

So tired of not finding...

Stop looking....

Don't try to find anything...

Let it go...

Let the dream  go as well.....

Stop writing about it

Stop writing about it even if you can't stop dreaming the awful dream.

Saturday, January 23, 2016



There was a huge black pole somewhere

I was trying to lift it and carry it with me somewhere else

I wonder what for?

Then there were lots of women

Some knew me, some didn't

But they were all curious...

I wonder why?

I didn't know who I was?

And what I was doing?

And why I was there?

But I guess that is the function of the dream

Nothing is totally clear

But some time I wonder

Whats the difference between a dream and reality...

Especially in my case...

Nothing much is clear during the day when I am wide awake...

Or maybe I am never wide awake........

I guess thats it............

Never wide awake, never

So what can be done about it?

I have no idea

My dreams reflect the incoherence of my life

Lack of discipline during the day,

No regular schedule

No regular routine...

No fixed eating hours

No fixed sleeping hours...

No regular working hours

What kind of day is that?

Every one is working...

You are waiting for the night to come hit you on the head andknock you out

Of your paralysis....

Who will discipline you?

Who can discipline you?

You have such talent and no way to move it forward....

Thats what your dreams reflect

When the dreams lose purpose

Its obvious that you have lost purpose during the day

Your nights are reflection of the your days

Wasted days....

Talking about this and that

All nonsense

All nonsensical stuff....

Why don't you stick to something?

Why don't you think that your life is a play

And you have to get ready for the opening night

Play is going to open unless you cancel your play....

Cancel all your plays because you didn't get ready....

But if you have no intention of cancelling the play then you have to get ready...

Don't you?

Does it make any sense?

Yes, it makes a lot of sense....

Then get ready...

Get ready, the time for opening night of the play is approaching....

All your dreams are about being not ready, never ready....

So get ready....................

Monday, January 18, 2016



People sitting next to me only talked about money.

Both husband and wife, talked about it nice and loud

So the others in the cafe can hear about it.

They behaved as if they were the only Important people on this planet.

She was hysterical about getting $17-000 for some thing she had done, a project, I guess....

Its always a project.  Isn't it?

But she wasn't satisfied with $17-000 for the project she had done.

She wanted $22-000.

She kept going back and forth checking her text messages on her iphone and talking

and talking loudly about, "MONEY"

Money she was making from some obscure, "PROJECT".

He hysterically kept talking about some advance money he was going to get

beside the amount of money he had already gotten.

What project were they working on?

I had no idea....

Every thing they spoke about was nice and clear, the number of dollars I mean,

except the definition of the project.

Perhaps they were involved in some criminal project?

A hustle?

Money laundering?

Some illegal transaction ?

They just named it, PROJECT"

Your money

My money....

Our money...

Once in a while they would shut up and look at their iphones and then abruptly

and loudly talk about thousands of dollars they were going to get any minute for their

mysterious,surrealistic, abstract,  un-defined, vaguely toxic, PROJECT which will bring them 30

million dollars eventually....


What did I just heard?

30 millions?

Is that what I just heard?

Yes, nice and loud and clear....

the words,  30 million dollars...

Man1 they must have some project... some holy project

To hold and behold.................



And she was looking for her old black shoes

But some one had dumped every thing from the big sac

I told them, She will be coming back" "Don't remove the garbage bag yet."

But no one listened.........It was just like real lif

People never pay attention to anything even when they are told.

I wonder what else was in the bag

It was huge

There must be something else in there

She wasn't happy

I know this particular person in real life

I am not a real good friend of hers

But I do know her from here and there

I am not particularly fond of her

I wanted to be a friend a few times

But she is very strange to say the least

She insists to buy you a cup of coffee and then remind you that she bought you a coffee....

I hate this kind of behavior

Very embarrassing to say the least

That coffee keep coming back in your throat to choke you...

And you regret ever agreeing to her offer

Then she is very annoying all the time

She has problems with her concentration

She never listen

Or she fakes it

I think she fakes it

Then she talks bad of all her friends and her boyfriends

You know she is going to talk bad about you the moment she is with some one else

To make the story short, I am not so keen on her

So why would I be dreaming about her?

Or why would she be in my dream?

Does she occupy my sub=conscious?

Arn't dreams about sub=conscious?

Or whatever......

Then the scene changes

Then I see some one I am very fond of

He tells me not to leave today and come with them to the court house

Courthouse?  Why is he going to the court house?

We never go to courts

We are not criminals

We are not thieves

We are not robbers

Maybe he is going to court to watch some other criminals

Maybe to watch some important trial about some international star

People are interested in stars

So the star might have killed his girl friend

Or stabbed his mother to death

Or ust have robbed some paintings from the museums

Or was involved in a bank robbery

Like Al Pacino in some movie....

What was the name of the movie?

Oh! gee, what was the name?


No, It wasn't Serpico...

That was about a cop

The other one....

Which other one?

You know which one I mean

No, I don't know what you mean

The movie where Al goes all nuts and rob a bank and keep bank tellers hostages

Oh! I see

What do you see?

That one...

Which one?

The one in which Al Robs a bank....

Thats what I said

I know what you said

So whats the name of the movie?

Its on the tip of my tongue...

Its on the tip of my tongue too......

Oh! well it will come to me



But why are you thinking of that movie in which Al robbed the bank?


Because the person in my dream, the person I like asked me not to take the flight


Flight back where?

I don't know but I was supposed to take the flight back from where ever I came from....

Where did you come from?

I don't know

You don't know and you are taking a flight back to where ever you came from...

Yes, But I didn't remember where I came from and where I was going back to

You didn't remember?
No I didn't

How awful....

Why awful?

Because  you didn't remember where you came from....

It was a dream, in dreams one doesn't remember exactly where one is or where one is going....

So you are living a dream....

In my dream I was living a dream and I couldn't remeber clearly

Clearly what?

Whatever I was dreaming...

Why were you dreaming if you were not going to remember your dream?

What a silly question...don't ask questions, you are always asking questions and most of the time

those questions don't make any sense............dream is a dream is a dream...

Dream means, no continuation, no connectedness, no relevance

Thats not what dreams mean....dreams are always meant to be about you, your psyche, your

inner being, your lack of you even couldn't remember what movie Al robbed the bank


I didn't know it then but I know it now....
You know the name of the movie now?


Whats the name?

Dog day afternoon...

So why didn't you say so?

I didn't know it then

You didn't?


Why not?

I don't know

You don't know?

No, I don't

Why not?

Because I don't

Why not?

Because it was a dream and one doesn't remember ones dreams when one wakes up...

Whats the purpose of the dream then?

Dream has no purpose.........

Not true

Dreams have incredible purpose, dreams are trying to tell you something, something very important

Maybe, but one doesn't remember what that purpose was....

That sounds like your life..............

Who are you?

Whoa re you?  You asks so many questions. its not a court and you are not a prosecutor...

How do you know?


That I am not a prosecutor...

Why would you be?

Weren't you suppose to go to a court in your dream?

Yes, some one suggested that....

What did he say,
He said, cancel your flight and come to the court with me....

And why was he going to the court?

I don't know, maybe to watch Al getting prosecuted for robbing the bank....

So who was he going to be prosecuted by?

Prosecutor ...I guess

See, so prosecutors exist....

Yes, but in the court only

How do you know that you are not in a court

But I am not.....

How do you know?

I know


I don't know

So you don't know if you are ina  court or not?

Why should I be in a court?  I haven't stolen anything....

That doesn't matter, many people are in courts even if they have not stolen anything...

They must have murdered some one then?

Why would I murder some one?  I don't have an enemy

How do you know?

No body told me....

Enemies don't tell you...........

And why would I murder an enemy?

Thats what enemies are for, to be murdered and thean the murdered is questioned by a prosecutor

You are scaring me...

Thats my purpose, I am a prosecutor

But I am not a murderer, nor am I in a court.....

How do you know?

Because I am wide awake

Are you?


Are you awake?  Wide awake?


You couldn't be....

Why not?

Because you are having a night mare and I am your night mare.....

You are being tried for a murder..............

Scream....a very loud scream..................

Saturday, January 16, 2016



As if some one bought three big rooms which were painted with dark charcoal

Just like dark chocolate

There were figures representing the living and the dead

Most of the time the paintings when they are finished are of the past or become your past

And most of one's past carries death

The word death seems ,"MORBID"  and maybe it is but why?

Why the denial?

Even if its morbid why should it scare us?

I have heard by some prophet that one should always remember one's death....

Because then and only then one will remember to be kind, generous, empathetic and grateful

Why get up so late in tink so?hthe afternoon and miss all the sunshine?

One day one is not going to wake up and encounter eternal darkness

Don't you think so?

So a few hours sleep should be enough

Don't you think so?

why say every day, "OH1 I SHOULD WAKE UP EARLY AND GO FOR A WALK?"


Why should one say every day that,''I SHOULD GO TO BED EARLY AND NEVER DO IT?"


Yes and yes again and yes again

Don't say it and don't regret it










I KNOW YOU..................

Tuesday, January 12, 2016



The world is a detention center.

Might as well make it interesting to survive

In your case surround yourself with art.

There is no other choice

Create as much art as you can

Your hope is in that very talent.

Just to create and not worry about the rest

Every one is in a detention center

And most of them don't even have the talent to create at all

See, how lucky you are.

Its better if one translate one's suffering into creativity.

You must make plays or novels or poems or sonnets out your thoughts, out of your writing,

 your comments,  your not into some kind of substantial formate, give a title to everything.  Titles are

of utmost importance.

Give titles to your suffering...

Its all suffering any way...

And its all yours....

If not put into some kind of creative activity

It will hurt you

And its hurting you already.

Because like every one else you are in a detention center till you die and to

Pass the time in a progressive forward moving fashion is far better than  being static.

And being static is death without being actually dead.

Don't try to get out of the detention center.

Its impossible

Its the punishment of life

People who achieve and are slightly happier than you are moving forward

by still staying in the detention center.

You got it?

No, you didn't....

See the problem!

This kind of fantasy of being free, totally free and happy first and then achieve

is madness.....

Nothing but madness...

What else can it be?

Basic, dangerous, stupid, mistaken madness made by the sane person.

What were you thinking?

Not thinking at all

That is the madness.

No memory of anything I loved

Or too much memory of everything I loved

In both cases its madness in its pure form.

One day no memory of IBSA, (In babylon souls alone}

One day too much memory of IBSA

Today no memory of IBSA

Maybe IBSA never existed ...

Neither perhaps Babylon...

It was perhaps all in my thoughts

And now all thoughts have come to an end.

So does IBSA in Babylon

And INSA, {In NJ souls alone}

IBSA AND INSA were two of my sisters

One born in Babylon

And the other in NJ

But perhaps that is not true

Perhaps no one was born n Babylon


Only in your thoughts every thing does exist

Only in your thoughts....

Nothing exists otherwise...




But other people are putting their thoughts on APPLE MAC BOOK PRO.....

No they are not.  They are only texting about some kind sexual contact they had last night

and those kinds of thoughts never a work of art makes.............

Take an action within your confinement, write a prisoner's diary like GENET..................

Sunday, January 10, 2016




But thats how it started
Her story

All her life she wanted to know the meaning of her name
And that was the first problem
Problem of never being settled any where...

She wasn't even black
She was may be blue
Blue not in color but in her moods
She loved black

Always wore black clothes
Loved dark complexion
Love the night time
Stayed awake like Dracula

Loved candle lit places
Love the gold coming out of the flame of the candle
Wanted to be like the shade of the candle light
Golden, smoky,exciting, flickering, exotic

And black represented all that
And she liked it
So it was not because her name was Black and Blue that she was an outsider
It was only her question, "WHY?"


What were her folks thinking when they named her, Black and blue
Actually she loved the blue shades of things as well.
The moon, the blue light before the dark came
She loved black race
She thought no one and for sure no one had the humor of black people, their,
struggle, like her own.....

struggle is the she has....
The pain is life
One can not deny it
One can mingle the pain with little joy once in a while
But can't assume that the rest of the life will be just so soft and fluffy like
Feathers fulled pillow.....

And thats what Black and blue hasn't been able to do with herself
She has forgotten to add the spice of joy with her blueness and her blackness of her constant black moods.......

Friday, January 8, 2016



What was the dream?
What was the dream about?
The dream?
Yes, the dream
Oh! I forgot.....
Yes, Really....

Too bad
Maybe you could have been killed or something
I said, Maybe you could ave been dead by a dagger or sword or a nife or something

Oh! you hate me so much?
No, not really
But you want me dead
Only in your dream
But you hate me, actually despise me

I don't and its not my dream, its always your dreams and some one
is chasing you with all the ancient deadly instruments

But you are disappointed that when the dream is over I wake up
Why would I be disappointed?
Because I live after every attempted murder
But its only a dream
You wish otherwise
Wishes are only wishes
I thought we were friends
You are so naive

Humans are not friendly species
What are they then?
You know.  You are smart.
Who told you?
You did, You said you are smart
If I was really smart would I be friends with some one who wish me dead
You take challenge yourself.

To you every one is a mystery.
Thats a complement
"Being, "Mysterious." is a complement
Is it?
Of course it is.  Do you want to be bland?  Blank paper with no writing on it?
I told some one that you are a mystery to me and she got very offended,
She thought I was suspicious of her....
She seems like the one who has no imagination.  Mysterious and suspicious are words miles apart
in their interpretation .....
I would love some one saying that to me...
'Oh! you are a mystery to me."  So dramatic, so full of suspense, so romantic....
Imagine some one saying to you or me, "Oh1 you have no mystery about you."
I will be so insulted.

The Orient understand that.
They had the mystery
So much mystery about them that the West went crazy to explore it
And explore they did.............
Yup, they plundered the mystery to shreds and made condos and free markets out of them...
Condo for sure has no mystery

Kitchen, little dining table in the kitchen, some shelves for the pots and pans
one small bedroom, one small bathroom, a little window which might not open and morgage for life....
Where is the mystery in that?
In democracy everything is out in the open, Equality, all condos must look alike...........

Lets talk about the, "Orient" a bit more....
Oh! you like that?
Of course I want to learn
A bit late for learning
Its never late
Oh! crap...I hate this sentence, "ITs never too late."
Its late honey, its late, Its late at night, its dark, its beastly, friends have become enemies,killings in the night...its late and Orient has vanished into the lateness of the night...their mystery has been
flown away, their spice and exotic kajal as dark as the night is being sold in KMART....

You know what Cocteau said about the Orient?
No Idea....
He said, "Orient made a terrible mistake to have felt inferior than the West and started to copy us."
But even if they didn't nothing was left of their own.....
Yes, thats why people from the Orient migrate to the west.  They are seeking what was taken from them.  What was looted from them, they are looking for what was theirs.
Good luck to them
Yes, good luck to them

All their awful dreams of knives and killings and terror takes place in the west.
They give the impression in their dreams that they want their mystery back, their exotiness back, their uniqueness back and they are being chased with the daggers..............

Stop looking, stop thinking, stop being in the past, before you sleep watch some sketch comedy
and your awful dreams will disappear.  Sketch comedy is good, its light, its silly, its non substantial
and thus not provoctive and you will sleep like a baby and then you won't have to struggle remembering those awful dreams of the past and present......
You will have no dreams
You might even get a condo if you try hard enough
But I promise, no more dreams for you.....Not good for your health because they are not comic....
They are rather tragic if I may say so......
Just smile in the morning and say hi to people and if you want more dialogue than, "HI"
Say, 'NICE WEATHER." AND MOVE ON...............................

Wednesday, January 6, 2016



Get out, get away,
Get away from it all

No more fun
No more fun

Just a chore
Just a chore

Get out
Get away

Get out
Get away from it all
Not  healthy looking any more

Get out
Get away

On to something else
On to something else

It has become stale
Not healthy looking at all

Rotten old food
Rotten 0ld food

Throw it away
Throw it away
Throw it away

The smell is get horrendous
The smell is horrendous....

You don't smell it?
You don't smell it?

'No, I don't smell it."

You don't smell it?
You don't smell it?

What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?

'I don't smell it, No, I don't smell it."

Something is wrong with you
Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you

Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you smell the rotten smell?

"No, I don't smell it, no, I don't smell it."

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you
Some thing is terribly wrong with you

Get out
Get away

Get out
Get away

Smell the rotten smell and get away

Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you?

"NO, I don't smell it, no I don't smell it

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you

Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you smell the rotten smell?
Don't you?

"NO, I don't smell it, no I don't smell it

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you
I know it
I know it
Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you

I know it
I know it very well

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you

Nothing is wrong with me
Nothing is wrong with me

I do not smell the smell
I do not smell the rotten smell

There is no smell
There is no rotten smell

Something is wrong with you
Something is wrong with you

I know it
I know it
I know it well

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you
You always smelling some rotten smell
There is no smell here
There is no rotten smell here

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong wih you

I know it
I know it
I know it very well

Something is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you
Something was always wrong with you
Get out
Get away

Get out
Get away
Get away from me
Get out
Get away
Get away from me

Some thing is wrong with you
Something is very wrong with you...........

Tuesday, January 5, 2016



It was going to be a wedding
The gowns were being selected
Pink chiffon
off white chiffon
Orange chiffon

He was ordering it around
The bride groom
Seemed like a fashion designer
Had the hectic business about him

And was a total control freak
Interfering, screaming, yelling just like David O Russel and Lilly Tomeline ....
"I am I yelling?"
"Did I yell un-till now?"
And yelling nonetheless....

I guess it was me who was going to get married to this freak
And why was I being married to him?
Who knows it was just a dream....

There was a nice lady in the dream as well
She was also in pink
Darker pink though
The bridegroom seemed like her brother
Or maybe not a brother...
Her brother was actually the one I was interested in
And getting married to him to get to know her brother

What a way to get to know some one
I needed to refuse this contract
But the wedding was either tomorrow or day after tomorrow
And it seemed like that I was too terrified to get out of it

But I guess the deep message of this dream is that I can't get out of bad choices
Or difficult situations once I get myself in them
So I had to go through this wedding
At least it had chiffon gowns in it
Must be summer time
Maybe the wedding would be taking place in a garden
Two of my favorite things
Chiffon and a garden

But who was the nice lady in dark pink?
She did have some relationship with this guy
But she was totally different
And I did like her
She had promised me something
Something, a reward, a romance perhaps with some one else that I liked
And could only get close to if I married this man

So I was marrying him to get close to an old long lost lover
Who knows
It wasn't clear
After all it was a dream
Then I dreamt of another dream
But actually I dreamt of another dream before I dreamt of the wedding dream
And both dreams I dreamt the same night
But I forgot the first one
I forgot the first dream
Un-fortunately I always forget my first dream
My initial dream.........
iIALWAYS FORGET..................