Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Thank God he was not
the one who cut people's throats
He was just a mad man
Mad men do things for no reason

They just come in and start shooting
Shooting everything across the room
Chairs, tables, computers, 
other machines, human beings

They are just mad, mad, mad Western men

The one who cut throats
 is not a mad man
He is considered a muslim Islamist 
doing it for a cause

The,'religion" they say
Why should it be for the cause of a religion ?
Why can't that bird be mad ?

"No, he is not mad, 
he is muslim."

They say, the experts

"What's the opinion of the 
experts on the gym killer?

"A mad man for sure." 
 'His girl friend left him." 
"Simply mad"
Why can't the muslim killer be mad ?
"They do it for religion.
" They want to take over the West.
" "They are sick with a cause."

"And the gym killer?"
"A mad man."
"A lonely man." 
 "Had a bad childhood."
 "His father abused him."

'And the muslim killer ?"
'Thats a different story entirely."
 'They are religious fanatics."
 "They cut throats for a cause."

"Our gym killer had a bad childhood."

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