Friday, August 21, 2009


That would be the best
To be silent would be more powerful than shouting

Winner is always silent
And the loser ?
Shouts and shouts and then is silent eventually

That's what they want
They want you to be silent
One can silently drop the matter once and for all
Get them all out of your life
That's far better than fighting and shouting
Some of the shouting has ,"Loser' stamp on it...

Let people play the dirty game
Let not yourself be part of that

You, who always was upfront
Doesn't need to play any dirty little game

Winner eventually looses also
Especially that kind of a winner

Silence strengthen belief and dedication
Remember prayer is mostly silent
And is the source of solace

The guilty one's are also silent
But their silence is not of a prayer but of guilt
They know, that they are not good
And that's their punishment

They try and try again to save face
But from whom ?
They can't save face from themselves...
They see themselves when they look at the mirror
They see their own face, the face they were trying to save...
They see that face every day in the mirror

Only they know what's in their vicious hearts
What's the point of trying to know, what's what?
And why would you want to know any way?

There is nothing there but malice, hate, jealousy,
They are consumed with jealousy
They don't have the gift...

Silence is not submission
Silence is not victimhood
Silence is the knowledge
Silence is knowing of the truth

Silence is thanks to him who bestowed
 that wonderful gift upon you

No, they didn't get the gift
That's why they can't have
 the truth as their companion.

Embrace the silence and be 
thankful every moment for being honest
Your reward is in that very honesty
 which is everlasting...
Truth always comes out of the mouths 
which are desperately trying to hide it...

Just be silent and observe quietly

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