Monday, December 5, 2022



Don't you understand?

This will not involve any one

And when I say, anyone?

It means every one.

It's going to be totally private...

No intrusions

All excluded...

Answer me this...

Would you allow people in your bathroom while you are bathing

Or involved in other necessary stuff?

This one is private as it can get...

As private as your sorrow, as your pain, as your happiness,

As your sorrow, as your your disappointments, your anxiety

As your hopes...

Don't discuss it with any one...

Don't expect people to understand it...

There might be some people out there who will get it, who will understand it,

Who will feel for it, who will be sensitive towards it,

But you don't know those people...You How are you?ve no idea where they are?

You don't have their email, you don't have their number,

You need not need their inclusion.

No one's 'INCLUSION" is necessary.

This is about, 'EXCLUSION."

Exclusion of the unknown to the unknown...

It's a project of loneliness, a lone subject matter,

Vey hard to understand,

Vey hard to comprehend, vey hard for busy, busy people...


They have no understanding of what you are creating...

Not interested...

Why include some one in such an intimate project who is the least interested...

Once and all it need to be understood.

It's under no obligation of any one involved...

It's to be done quietly in your own private eye, under the umberella of complete privacy.

Never to be shared. Never to be questioned. All to be written by you all alone...

Keep it hidden under your own privacy. It has a privacy code...

Must be respected...

What's the point?

You tried it, you did, for so long... far too long and now You learned, hopefully you did...

And if you haven't there is no point of starting any thing, anything of substance, anything of character,

Any thing lasting, anything moving, anything worthwhile.

Thank god you have finally learned that your project has to be completely solo.

Thank god if you have learned a lesson after such trauma, so much waste, so much loss of precious much un-necessary pain...

How the answer came to you. You have been looking for so long, so, so long.

Now you have the answer...

If you don't obey the answer now, all your yearly search will have no meaning...

What's the point of your long lost search if you don't pay attention to the answer.

You are very lucky, very blessed by the powers, powers of your ancestors who prayed for you...

You are blessed...many people search all their life without a clue, without a solution without even a hint

 of an answer...Thos people must not haveany ancestors, the ones who will pray for them...

Those un-fortunate people...Thank god you are not one of them.

You had great ancestors...all gone now...not seen by you but seeing you, praying for you...

Your eyes, your ears, your faculties were given to you so you can use them and appreciate what you

 found eventually. Door aid, drust aiy...what comes at the end is the right one...they say. Believe it...

Don't put your search of your life time into the gutter. Be smart. You are an educated and sensitive

 person. I don't really know you but I sense you, I smell you, I taste you. You have a smell of lilac,

 spicey like safron, taste like the ripe mango...ready to be eaten nice and cold on a very hot summer


Don't tell your story to any one, but watch, observe other's angst. Observe, watch, look but don't tell...

your story. It's been told a million times. But never was written.

It needs to be written finally. You write it.

You are the chosen one.


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