Hundereds of Notebooks
Your project involves people
All people are included
Do you understand?
In this case the inclusion means, "EXclusion."
"Exclusion of all people...
Do you understand?
Your project is not under discussion
Or explanations...
It's to be done alone quietly in your own privacy.
Never to be talked about
Never to be shared...
Answer me this...
Would you allow people in your bathroom while you are bathing?
Or doing other necessary stuff?
It's as private as your deep sorrow,
Your pain,
Your happiness, your anxiety...
Your hopes,
Your disappointments, your loss...
Would you share all tjose sad and precious feelings with people?
I would if there were some respectable people
Who would appreciate your generosity to share your private grief or happiness?
f pouring your heart out to the heartless?But even if they are there somewhere...
I don't have access to them,
And what's the point of pouring your heart out to the heartless?
There might be fantastic people of all kinds out there?
But un-fortunately I don't know them
And they certainly dodn't know me...
SoI would rather do my new project alone
All alone by myself...
Without advice or intrusion of any one...
When I say any one, i mean everyone...
So I guess, thas settlled...
If not settled by now
Please settle it.
It's already very late...
Don't even think of discussing it with any one.
Don't allow any one to even question what it is that you are planning.
Only to be accomplished by your self
Your lonely little self...
The project is lonely
Because it's about loneliness...
Ad wat a cherished loneliness it is...
No one to bother you
No one to question you
No one to put you down
No, no. you don't need any one's encouragement either.
Yu are alone
Your project is alone
It is supposed to be alone
Because it's about extreme alianatio and loneliness...
You can even give it a name...
How about that.
Would yu ever include any tom, Dick, or Harry
In your project of, Loneliness?
No, you won't...
It will ost it's purpose...
What's the point.
If you want to include other people in your upcoming project,
Might as well call it a. "GATHERING."
Make sense, right?
Even if it doesn't make sense, just don't get involved in the
project called, "GATHERING."
Gathering of whom?
Wel wishers?
Where are they?
But why would you involve them in your project of, "GATHERING?"
Gathering, most of the time implies a happy crowd...
And your project is of sadness and loneliness...
You can't afford to be happy till the project is done...
Project , which has been delyed for so long...
So, so long...
And now you are daring to look into your hundreds of lonely notebooks
And thining of callig it, 'A GATHERING?"
Crazy, if you asked me
But hon, you are not asking me...
You are finally not asking anyone what to do...
You are thinking of finally doing it...
Find your noteboos where ever they are...
In the boxes, in thebags, in the baskets, in the trunks...
Find them, then look at them, then not be frightened, not be intimidated,
And take them out one by one...
A lonely note book in a lonely hand and see what's in it
Yes, fid out what the hell is in the notebook?
What the hell is in the second notebook? and the third and the fourth?
On and on towards the baskets full of notebooks...
What are you going to do with them?
How come all of them are filled wit some scribble?
Who was scribbling in them?
And why?
Did you have all the time to scribble in hundreds of note books?
Did you ever have a job?
Oh! no, never a job...
JHow did you live?
I lived...
Just lived scribbling...
Jow did you make money?
Didn't need to make money
Yes, really...
Just coffee money to sit in a cafe and scribble...
That didn't cost much...
Note book for a dollar and coffee was three dollars
that's how hundereds of note books were filled...
There must be something in them...
Need to dust them off and
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