Sunday, May 10, 2020



Got stuck
Great Glue
Strong stuff
Strong sticky glue

Can't get up
Can't move
Can't leave
Can't get up

Can't go anywhere
No-where to go
What happened?
Got stuck


Short story about a popular composer
Works on a concerto
Go back on writing books
Every one waiting for new concerto
Finishes as a polka


"For surrealists, perfection is idleness
Secret of creativeness develops a greater degree of indifference,"   Annonymous


"Surrealist deal with the interior world and its mystery
Classic writer describes reality". ?? what the poet reports from the depth of his being


'If the poet reports from the depth of his being has form, he reproduces form.
If its formless, he ignores form."  ??


"You can express dreams with normal language."  ??

'Invest with unexpected import."  ??

"Let the accumulation of artificial culture get out of your head."  ???

"He will be able to be flooded by the torrents of his interior life."  ??

"Use intention as  magnifying glass." ??

She behaves as a lamb in tiger's clothes.
Or she is mentally ill.
After few weeks of fury
She calms down till a new fury takes its place
Stay away from them
Just stay away
Don't try to figure it out
Remove yourself

All day sitting
And bad food
Irregular hours of eating
No exercise
Not eating right
Not enough movement

Arrange your day differently
Arrange your time differently
Very difficult to do
Do it any way
Nothing is easy
Who said that?

'From the convergence of myself
And from the dispertion of myself---
There lies the whole of it."   Baudelaire

"Art should explore art."  ??

"I hate the fact that once
I wasted so much time on them."   ??

"Repressed instincts...
The appeal of unusual hazards
Taste for luxury
Expression of these repressed instincts
Will perhaps rescue the poet from his incurable disquiet."  ??

"It's life and spirit itself
My work, my writing
It's a way of feeling
And of experiencing
A way of using sight
And double sight."  ??

"Don't combat your desires and instincts
But give them free run."  ??

"Exceptional sensitivity
Unique privilege of understanding
Of true objectivity."  ??

"The genuine artist does not express a particular
and individual emotion but penetrates to the deep
root of human nature."  ??

"Every day"s new development
Shocks un-predictability
Things one thought will never happen
Keeps happening...
Who knows what horror will happen next?
It's totally scary
In some ways to be positive
It's encourging too
Great things can happen tomorrow as well."  ???

'Can't go up there
Don't start the same habbit
Of showing up
What for?
Let someone shows up at your door
Just keep it formal, casual and polite."   ??

"Don't make these the problem
Make them an asset."  ???

"Its the purpose
Not the people
Who should be important.
They are either the vehicle
Or the obstacle...
Make them into vehicle
If you can't get rid of them
For some reason
Vehicle is better and more optimistic than an obstacle."  ??

"The double life has the effect of dispersing man's energy."  ??

"You can show up once in a while
Don't make such a fuss about it
Think of it as a coffee break
Everything can be a vehicle
Don't try to push it towards an obstacle
Only one thing must pop up in your conscious and subconscious
Vehicle, vehicle, vehicle to get around
Vehicle to be used to make your day a pleasant one."  ??

"See the good side of everything
Take the bad side of things out of your head...
For you only the coin is made of one side
The bad side
You become too pessimistic about everything
See the good side of the coin sometime
Only the good side, the positive side, the happy side."

And please remember this
This has been told to you a thousand times before
Don't be so hard on me and yourself
Stay away from the bad side of things
And bad side of thoughts...

Use the thoughts towards art
Art is the only healer...
That is your new assignment
Museums, art galleries, gallery openings
Try to learn how to draw, how to paint
Take some classes...
Art is the only savior...

Do all that after the lockdown ends
And Corona goes away for ever
And will it?
Will the corona go away for ever?

No bad side of things Ms.  No bad side of the coin
Remember your coin has only one side
The good side, the beautiful side, the positive side, the happy side."   ??


Seriously funny
Self deprecating
Include all topics
Processed food
Plastic surgery rather...
the world
Middle East
European union
Iran for sure
Trump for sure
With that topic of Trump 24/7 you would make it
All bad things about him
One good word and you are out of business
Out of your career

At least I have one of those elements of happiness

Lack of career bothered me for a long time
But now it's a source of pleasure and happiness
It's so impressive
Who thought that
The mere lack of a career
Will bring me so much joy, peace of mind and ultimate happiness

Now I don't even have to worry about not only my angst
But other people's un-ending anxiety
They only talk about their career
Some brag, "that they have incredibly successful careers."

That would bring me torture
"OH! All of them have awsome careers but me."  I would lament day and night
And bring myself enormous misery
Other people's egotistical career brought my downfall
The death of once a raging ambition
'Oh! I can never make it as a career women'
All things called, "Success" are against me"
I would say to nyself

Thank god thats over
I decided not to have any career
Since that in-visible career was not going any where
And the circles I moved in all had flourishing careers
At least that's what they portryed in their positive attitudes
And I had so many sleepless nights

But the moment I decided to end that career which never was
I was able to sleep
Sometimes 12 hours every night
Some times I never even wanted to get up
From bed
"Oh! "Isn't it amazing?"

I can call my bed, my career
But I decided not to
Because the word, "Career". gave me lots of pain in the past
So I decided to take it out of my dictionary

'No darling, no career for me"
And I decided not to be with people with careers
They gave me so much misery and heart ache
Wanted a break so I could breathe and enjoy my life.

Even when I was not with them
I would feel their angst stricken vibes
Travelling fast right towards my direction mocking me
"We have great careers, and you don't,

"Do  I care anymore?"
"No, I don't."
'I don't give a holler"

Every one asks me
'Nothing.  I do nothing."  I say
'Yes, nothing."
'But every one has a career"
"Not me."
"You don't have a career?"

"Actually I do."
'So you do have a career?"
"I sit in cafe's, very fine and fancy cafe's and I sit leisurly for hours"
"I like care free beautifuly relaxed atmosphere without any one next to me
Bothering me about the same bull shit, a career, a career, a career."

'My career is to sit without a worry and pay the cafe owner for sitting there
And that's a pleasure to for my mind's beauty and comfort...
That's an elegant career
Instead of running around, begging people for work
"Please take me seriously, please give me some work"

"How pathetic is that?"
Yes, it's so pathetic, shameful rather...
Instead I sit and sip my latte and read.
poems written by Yeats and Auden and Keats
But still it bothers the ones who have grand careers

"How come she is always sitting in the cafe's as if she has no worry at all
and we are running like hungry mice to feed our career?

'And why should it bother them?
'I wonder and wonder"
"But somehow it still bothers them
'Sad, sad, sad

"If they were paying for my latte and croissant and half boiled egg (by the way it costs $9 in Balthazar) and even lunch sometimes, $ 36 for farm fish, if they had to pay for me sitting and eating
all the delicious food and they had to work and were furious... I would understand that...

"But if I am the only one who pays my bills at cafe's, so why does it bother them so much?"
"All those people with sucessful careers can sit down and can even have two half boiled eggs...
they work, they have more money than me...they can have steak, $100 at Minetta Tavern
on Macdougal street also owned by Balthazar...they can pay,  they are richer than me with glamerous careers...

'But hell no, they are worried about me not having a career and being able to sit in a cafe
'Well, they think I am sitting in their cafe's and how dare I?
After all all those cafe's are in America
And America is for sure their country because they are Americans

"But me too, me too, I want to shout...I am also American and these cafe's are my cafe's as well."
"But they don't want to acknowledge that. They feel America is their America, NY is their NY

"But hell no...America is my America, NY is my NY...Yes, it is"
And I have given up a career for that
It could have had a brilliant career
But  I gave that up
So I could sit in one of the best cafe's in NY

"So please leave me alone...I am losing my concentration
I need to go back to my book, 'FAUST" by Goethe
It's about the devil and a fool...
'And I am interested in both...
By now"


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