Friday, May 8, 2020



Death is for real
It will come...
Don't wait for it
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Live your life
Live, live, live
The way you want
The way you like

Do whatever gives you some joy
A little joy
Or a big joy
A little pleasure
Or a huge pleasure

Anything which makes you laugh
Anything you say, which makes others laugh
Little things like,
To say, "hi" to someone you like
Or to some one you don't even know
To share a conversation
To laugh together

To read a book
To read another book
And another
Writers write books for the readers to read then read some more

Take a walk...
To think
To reflect
To enjoy

Give, give affection, love, concern,
To someone who needs it
Share your life with some one
Who is lonely
Just a little thing to give, to share

Forget about the big things
You wonder and worry
You worry that the other has the big things
And you don't
Forget about that for ever
What others have is not your concern
Don't waste your precious time
On trifles like that
Time is the most precious and sacred thing
Time is like death
Time never comes back
It's like the death of a parent
How you wish that they will come back
Even for one fraction of a second

But no, it's not written that way
Destiny has it's own rule
So does death
Time also dies
Time has a life
Just like a human being
Spend your time wisely

Enjoy what you have
Thats all
'Others?" is a bad concept taught to you to keep you down
What you have is the most valuable
Enjoy everything you have
Everything given to you
Little or big
All is a gift to you from up above
From the heavens above you
Don't make that heaven into hell

Be grateful for the gift of god
The life, living, joy, pleasure, laughter, knowledge, the search for knowledge...
Curiosity, search, sense of fullfillment with little
Little joy goes a long now, forget the past
It's gone, gone and will never come back
The past and the past time are first cousins
Gone and gone for ever..

Forget about the future
Only god knows what will happen
Only God knows what is coming your way
Expect the best
You deserve it...
Live now, live here and now
Future might not be there
Yes, if you don't know anything about it
It might not exist...
Yes, There is no future
If it exist, it's precarious to say the least

Our breath is the most cherished property we have
We have to protect it at any cost
It's a treasure
It's a gift
Keep breathing...
Breathe, breathe, breathe...

Breathe, breathe, breathe....

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