Friday, September 6, 2013



'A tigress on the brink of hysteria"  by Alexander Gilmore

Birds on the wing...An ecstatic beacon of freedom
'poetic plus full of juicy dirt

Crumbling plaster

Ancient almond treee

Rest under the ancient almond tree to rest your injured tissues

Rest and rest and sleep and sleep and think of no one and talk to no one

When the night time comes...Come back to your bed, turn all lights off
and rest.  Rest and rest and think of no one and talk to no one
and sleep and sleep and sleep to heal your injured tissues of the mind , the body and the soul.

Discipline is necessary...
Proper sleep
proper food
proper rest
proper conversation or no conversation for that matter of fact...I say, "NO conversation with any one."
I say, "NO one deserves your wit, your wisdom, your insight, your affection, your advice, your love,
your company."
No one, "I say"

Just rest and rest and rest and sleep and sleep and sleep
and think of no one and talk to no one.

Just can't love any one
Just can't think of any one
Just can't spend emotions with any one
Can't spend energy with any one
Can't spend time with any one
Only with yourself and your injured tissues...

It will take a long time to heal the trauma to the brain, to the body, to the soul

Just rest and rest and rest
Just sleep and sleep and sleep
Think of no one
Talk to no one
Turn the phonr off
Turn the light off
And rest
Just rest
To rejuvenate the injured tissues....

In the afternoon lie down under the ancient almond tree and rest
and if you can't find the ancient almond tree anywhere, still lie down under
the ancient almond tree and rest.....

Be stubborn in your search of the ancient almond tree, don't give up so fast....
Don't give up
Just rest and rest and rest
and sleep and sleep and sleep
and think of no one
and talk to no one
Turn the light off and just rest

The ancient almond tree you will find
after you have rested and slept
Yes, you will find the ancient almond tree after.....
I promise.....

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