Thursday, January 26, 2012


The birds were singing till yesterday
Then what happened?
Why have they stopped chirping?
I don't hear anything
Its all so quiet
Maybe thats good
The quiet....

But the quiet is Ok from people
Not the birds
Their chirping soothes the ear and the soul
People's chirping becomes shrill as it goes on
and it goes on and on
The most insensitive creatures
and the most cruel are the humans

They can't sing
Because they have harsher throats
they yell and scream
and yell and scream
till they become hoarse
and still don't stop
They take singing lessons
but still can't carry the melody

They can sing maybe in a show
but they can't sing with human beings
they scream
and scream
and scream

Its the hatred
humans carry in their hearts for other humans
They hate each other
but claim that they love
they can't love
they are afraid of love
love is a song
they can't sing
they are always competing for being right
everyone of them is always right
but every other person they are yelling at is wrong
always wrong

I want to hear the birds on my window sill
They always chirp in the morning
they wake me up
thats a nice wake up call
better then the construction workers constructing another condo
for the rich brats to live in..............

'you think I am poor?"
Some one asked me the other day
"Oh! gee, no way, you are rich
rich, rich, rich."

Its scary to hear it.........

Most of the people are poor on this planet
and all they talk about is their eternal poverty
There is a, "POVERTY PROJECT" some one is doing
in the inner cities of America
It was scary
I watched it on tv
Though I usually don't watch tv
but I watched
And the poverty project was on
Oh! gee I said,
Just my luck
Can't get away from the word poverty
till some one asked demanded to know
,"Do you think I am poor?"
It was scary
the demand of the rich
Never ever with such demanding voice can you be poor darling

No, no way...
But I don't like the word, poverty or riches
one can never be too rich or too poor
it just doesn't end
the struggle of the rich
and the struggle of the poor

The apple makes 46 billion dollars profit from their factories in China
where they pay $20 dollars for 14 hours work with overtime
where the aluminum dust blows into their lungs and throats and eyes
The poisonous stuff...............
The poisonous stuff with which they polish
the rich person's IPAD..............

And the factory explodes and the teenagers flesh melts away
and their parents built monuments over their dead bodies
in their own homes................

But $46 billion dollars is 46$ billion dollars

and one of them who is making it asks me,
'Do you think I am poor?"

How dare I not answer in the affirmative?
They will explode my flesh into vapors too
and there will be no monument built on my dead body
my parents are already dead
and there is no home to have the monument built.....

I better be careful with rich people
not offend them
I mean
They are not singing birds
who will just fly away to other destinations
When offended

They have wings
They can fly
Fly away..............

I hope I didn't offend them...
like I seem to offend humans
At least they claim that I offend them
I must be very offensive............

The birds didn't think so ....
But the birds are different
They sing
and any one who sings
is more sensitive................

Why are they not singing today?
Till yesterday I heard their songs
What happened?

I hope I didn't offend them
Since I am such an offensive person
according to other humans
who are just so wonderful
and caring
and loving
and adoring...............

But I could have never offended the birds
I was always asleep when they chirped
A sleeping person is like a dead person
and dead never offend any one...

No, I couldn't have done that
I was always asleep
I am usually asleep
when I am awake
I am still asleep
A sleep walker
A sleep listener

People try to trick me subtly
because I am slow to catch on their tricks
I am almost always asleep...............

People chirping
in their put downs
I am always asleep
not understanding
because the slow slumber of sleep..............

A nice feeling.........
the slumber, the sleep
But I was always happy to wake up with the birds on my window sill
till yesterday.................

They flew away to distant lands
Some one told me that
the birds migrate
especially in cold weather
they fly away to distant lands

I hope that is the case
Its cold on my window sill
It snows
and ny birds are very sensitive
because they sing
they need the warmth.............

I hope they flew away just for that reason
and not for anything I said or did to cause offense............

I hope not
I won't be able to forgive myself af that was the case............
and they will come back in the spring time and stay on my
window sill till the next winter comes................

I have to live till that time
Till my birds come back and sing for me..................
I have to be alive to hear my birds chirp one more time..................

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