Saturday, September 3, 2011


You wanted some one with passive and receptive role
Which I out of love for you somehow assumed
But you got too used to it,
Making vibes with your ever dominating personality
And me trying and trying to accommodate your
dominant instinct out of love for friendship.

I some times let go of my annoyances and tolerated
your snapping...

If you didn't like a word or a sentence, uttered innocently
I could have and now I think I should have walked out on that Imbalanced
friendship long time ago,I should have said,"Hey listen, you the obedient friend,
You have some deep problems. Try to correct them. You are too passive
and have been too passive with people for a long time and then you explode
like a pressure cooker...You feel obligated for some reason by things and people
You actually fear people. Thats it. You have tremendous fear of people.
You are too afraid that you might annoy them. But all those people
You are afraid of are ass holes."
'You wasted your life on ass holes. Fuck them." 'Speak up for your self.
Stand up for your self."They have no right on you. You are not obligated to any thing
or any one.
Walk with your head up high and don't be with low lives.
Don't waste your priceless time on some one who is not worth of your ability, talent,
dignity and education, Fuck their money.
Fuck their success.
Stop being impressed by ass holes.
Stop spending time with ass holes.
Stop, just stop...I said, STOP."

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