Friday, September 2, 2011


The y all had me around to increase their own pleasure
They couldn't careless about me.
They didn't want to do much for me.
They had me around to have power.

"Hey honey, you an Idiot of a honey." 'Listen"
Even if a certain human being is not so powerful
Or successful or rich...

Its still good to have him around to exert control...

Psychologically its crucial to have a subservient, polite,
agreeable person around...
But that person is the idiot who doesn't get it and doesn't remove
himself from certain circumstances and stays in the oppressive
atmosphere. That person is more to blame.

Have you heard of a personality with no confidence,
Inferiority complex and hyping other un-important ass holes...

If that subservient person by some inborn flaw of nature
and personality can't exert control over his own time, circumstances, his own advantages
because he can't assert himself with some kind of logical fear of annoying his dear ones, 
dear ones?

What a joke?

That is for sure a joke.

They are all laughing at your joke
You are the joke, darling, you are the joke.

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