Tuesday, August 20, 2024



The blind musician

And his blind wife

On an old boulevard

Standing on the corner

The blind musician played 

Melodious tunes...

His blind wife

Holding a long stick

And a small jar

In her hand

For contributions

From strangers

Passing by...

What touched me the most

Was the melody

The blind man created

Without ever knowing

What was happening 

Around him...

People passin by

People eating

People drinking

People fighting

People shopping

Homeless begging

Sick people dying...

Blind man created his melody

Without ever encountering

The ugly part of life.

Stranger passing by...

Strangers like me

Passing by ...

On that biulevard

Fascinated and exhusted

By hordes of human beings

Creating some kind of

A bizarre festival...

But the thing which

Touched ne the most

Was the melody created by the

Blind musician..

His soothing, lamenting song

And his blind wife

 his flute

With joy over her husband

Playing the flute...

So fascinating was the sound

That the whole history

Of that historical town

Evaporated in the air

Except the sound of his flute

That lamenting sound

Spread all over the Bosphorous straigt

Like the perfume of Arabia...

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