Monday, August 12, 2024



Get up from this chair and do something


Yes, something


Yes, i said, get up from this chair and do something

I don't know the meaning of that something you want me to do

Something, do something

Define that something you want me to do.

You define something for your self, it's your life

I thought we were lovers amd my life was your life

You must be joking

I go jogging

I go to the gym

I go to the bars

I go to the beach


You go alone to all those somethings you do without me?

Yes, because you are glued to the chair. you don't get up.

Make me get up.

I can't do that

Why not?

Because we are lovers.

Not any more...

I have to go.

My lover is waiting for me to go jogging with him/her

Oh! we are not lovers any more.

You never got of that fucking chair...

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