Friday, March 23, 2018



Wake up

wale up

wale up

There is a day and there is a night

Sun and darkness

Cloudy sky and sunny skies

Gardens and cemetries

Factories and occeans

Failure and success

Poverty and riches

Roads and boats

Spring and winter

Snow and ice and sun

Smells of roses and smells of garbage

Hunger and bellies full

Incredible loud laughter and silent tears

Birds are chirping outside your window

Yes, you have a window

A window to breath and a window to escape

Birds are chirping right outside your window

Is there a tree outside the window?

No, no tree...

Where did the birds come from?

Birds usually chirp in a park fiull of trees

No, there is no tree outside the window

But birds are chirping

Thats the beauty of it

Thats the mystery of it all

Birds are chirping to wake you up

Come on, listen to the birds

Birds came from far off places to cheer you up, to wake you

The birds came from the society you left behind

Society full of gardens and chirping birds

The birds flew over the Occeans

They are singing for you, wake up soon they have to go back home

No,  they don't want to live here

Too many tall buildings and not many trees

They came to sing for you

They are your singing birds...

Wake up

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