Tuesday, April 26, 2011


" works out of boredom."
"Oh! great! I am so bored.

"Creativity works out of depression."
"Oh! Great! I am so depressed

"Creativity works out of loneliness."
Oh! Great! I am so lonely

"Creativity works out of exile."
Oh! Great! I am in exile.

'Creativity works out of alienation."
Oh! Great! I am so alienated

'Creativity works out of a thought."
Oh! Great! I have so many thoughts.

Get excited.
Decide to have a good time
A great time for a month.
You have come out of the rainy days
in rainy forests.................


Internal activities


I am a child
I think like a child
I write like a child
I draw like a child
I scribble like a child
I ramble like a child
I am a child rambler


Pursuit of the ideal might be a total waste of time
Waste of time and perhaps its even for the idealist
but when people with material appetites completely disregard other
people's,TIME" in preference of their ,"MONEY" its quite disrespectful.

"TIME" Has no price on it and has no color but the, "MONEY"
has a number and a color, and the color is,"GREEN"
People remember that color and numbers more than other people's


Haven't been moving and haven't been free.
Sad revelations..........

move and enjoy your total freedom
Take all nuisance off your list, its the most important thing for you to do.


Always encourage the search for a much greater liberation
of the mind.
This searching is what, "Surrealism is."

This moment, this spiritual flow.
"Experience the power and sway of poetry."


Why should I have a meeting with any one during my work hour?
They would interfere and disrupt my work and I work in cafe's.
Can't talk to you. I am working.

"I will call you next week. We will have lunch."
A classic sentence written by yours truly..........BS

"The best tool for loosening hypocrisy's grip." ?
"Laughter has the power to free ourselves from the shackles
and constraints of society." "Laughter is a privilege in itself."
And you have that privilege in your work. You are blessed.
Be aware of it.


Be indifferent to the real world and so called, Real people
who are nothing but snipers any way. Be a spectator.
Detach your self and be a spectator only." ?
Humor applies detachment. ?


How they laughed and laughed and laughed during...
"Come home for lunch."
MY son, my wonderful son."
'Say hello to Arnie"
'Think of Ben Brantley and write a happy play"
Nude monologue from Democracy in Islam."
To name just a few............laughter filled works.

She is a ghushti without trying
stay away from her
dangerous, mental
Dangerous without even trying
Constantly and permanently dangerous and mental
I said,"STAY AWAY FROM HER." Did I not say that?

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