Friday, November 12, 2010


I represent myself
I have no boss
I have no servant
I have no diamond
I have no car
I have no farm
I have no factory
I have no country
I have no citizenship
They took away everything
from me when I spoke my mind

Now I still speak my mind
Now I only speak my mind
Its up-to you to listen or not to listen
Doesn't matter
Why should it matter?
I lost representation which I never had anyway....

Now I represent myself
Which I always did....
I represented myself always
Always alone, Alone by myself....
I represented myself
I still do.....
Always alone...
Always alone
And representing myself...


I can never speak my mind if I don't represent myself
I am the only one
Who came from such a far away place
A far away land to speak my mind...

If I don't, who will?
None of the others from my far away land are here...
So I have to speak on their behalf
And the only way I can do it?
Is to represent myself.

Well...Where is the check?
A check?
Yes, a check for your speaking engagements ?
Well! How can I get a check when I do speak my mind?


Avoid all self defeating tendencies
even if they are totally small and insignificant...
Because eventually they will  become huge and un-surmountable.

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