Monday, April 19, 2010


I saw a spider in a dusty corner of the room
The spider was stuck
The web of the spider was thick and complicated
The spider's web was illuminted by the lamp on table
The struggle of the spider was evident
The legs of the spider were all entangled
The limbs of the spider were twisted
The body of the spider was in a contortion
If the spider escaped, perhaps it will die without the web
Perhaps the spider will fly away....
Do spiders fly?

Fly away little spider, fly away...that
More sophisticated than that
Fly away little spider...
Go explore the world
The world is big
How come you got stuck in this must corner
Damp and must and dirty and dusty....
Where do you come from?
Where did you want to go before you got into this little corner?
How did you get stuck here?
Where is your home?
For sure not this filthy corner
Why are you here?
What's the purpose of your life?
Where are your loved ones?
How come you are all alone by yourself?

You seem more elegant than that
More delicate than
Mote fragile
More precious
Why are you in this corner?
What's your ambition in life?
No ambition?
Oh! That's so sad....
Everyone has ambitioons
Even spiders
What is life without an ambition....
Spiders must have a mother
A father
A home
Where is your home you little spider?
What happened to your loved ones?
Please get out of this corner
Fly away little spider
Fly away
You can still fly away
You don't need the jumbo jet
The jets are not flying right now anyway....
The volcanos are erupting...
The skyies are engulfed in ash
The ash of the volcano....
But no ash of any volcano can get into your engines
Your engines are made of your tiny wings
Your wings will take you all over the word and no fibre glass, no sleet, no ash will bother you...
You are not a machine
You are a bird
A human being
A bird with wings and soul and heart and a mind
You can leave this corner and go far away
You don't need the naval ships to transport you across the sea
You can cross Calais and go to Dover with your tiny wings....
Go spider go...
Fly away from this dusty corner...
This corner is not meant for you....
No, not for you,,,
You are too beautiful for this corner...
You belong to the sky
Not to a dusty corner of a dusty room....
You will reach Dover faster than all the planes and ships and trains
God gave you wings and you got stuck in this corner....
That's sad.....
So sad....
Get away from all corners and fly away dear away....

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