Thursday, May 30, 2024



From Paul Lynch's great book, "Prophet Song."

Haven't written any thing for months. Since this Gaza war started.

Everything has created a tight knot in the brain and soul, unable to untie it to 

start something co-herent, something less heart breaking, something which will make sense,

but every morning, every night the knot keeps getting tightened, need sharp cissors to just 

cut it out, since can't untie it. Emotions are bundled up, where to begin? from 100 years ago?

or from Oct 7?

Or from time of the prpphet Mohammad? or the Iraq war of 1991?

Or the Iraq war of 2003?

Or the Afghan war which lasted 20 years? or the Iranian revolution? Or the birth of Israel stae?

Or the massacre of millions of muslims over the centuries? Or just deal with the current Gaza war?

Gaza war where thousands upon thousands of children are murdered...maimed...hungry...starving?

Where to begin? what to write? How to explain your history of colonization?

Of hatred towards you and your religion? How to mourn? How to deal with so much grief? so much

 injustice? How to have a decent debate of history? How to remind them of context of history?

How to sleep under the constant shadow of death? How to hear the cries of mothers whose children's

 bodies are melting right infront of them in minutes before they themselves melt into the flames of war?

How to rest? How to sleep? How to wake up? and then what to do, from where to begin?

hat to say about the pain and grief of human suffering? which words will be able to portray the loss, the

 horror, the danger, the clouds of bombs raining down more death and more death on the innocent

 children? innocent women? innocent men? bombs destroying their history, their archives, their

 hospitals, their schools, their culture. their mosques, their scholars, their poets, their teachers, their

 schools, their journalists, their doctors, their nurses, their shops, their food, their medicine...

Can there be a name given to this utter and complete horror? A title? An atrocity? A mass murder? A

 massacre? A genocide?

Can't decide what to call it? Can't find a title...

And if there is no title, there is no article can be written, no essay, no poem, no play...

Just nothing....nothingness...

"CAUGHT IN SUDDEN NOTHINGNESS." To quote again from Paul Lynch's book, PROPHET SONG

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