Tuesday, July 22, 2014



People so lonely and forlon
trapped inside of their thoughts
Trying to untangle the knots
Often not succeeding...

Unable to express in a coherent  and healthy manner
They suffer the consequences of chaotic thoughts created by their circumstances

There is every day damage of human cost of war
People so angry, poor, frustrated, sick that they want to kill someone too
And are trying to keep their killer thoughts in check
Women selling themselves for money
Thinking they are liberated and independent
compared to women struggling with honesty and poverty

The mundane burdens of ordinary chores
Cleaning, mopping, dishes, laundry
Then cleaning, mopping, dishes and laundry again and again and again
Lands and distant lands
And people's hearts stuck in those distant lands

They can create poetry about it if they are lucky but ...
Nothing changes and poetry rots in the floods of sorrow...
The sun, the moon, the taste, the words no longer available
High prices of learning if learning is a desire still

Read the huff post all over again on your smart phone instead of poetry
Again read the huff post and listen to the pundits taking sides of the criminals
who pay them a fortune to report the demise of their favorite relations
Its discontent and isolation
discontent and isolation
again and again the discontent and Isolation
I say,

You can say it too
But you won't dare
Because you have a lot to lose
And I nothing
I lost already....

War and technology
Thats the fashion of the day
War was created by technology and the technology has come home in people's hands
And is creating the war between humans
Human beings no longer talk to each other
They talk to their technology
Its easy, its in their hands....

So the unspoken dangerous, sad, lonely, happy, romantic, killer thoughts become the characters
People every day live the new character their thoughts have created
Every day its the debut of their disturbing, erotic,racy, poetic thoughts
And how it incite violence and darkness of every kind
Violence and aggression, frustration and trauma is the new art of a lonely soul
inhabiting darkness of the dark night of their un-expressed horror of living

What humor?
Who is laughing?
And why should any one laugh?
When there is so much blood shed, murders, tragedies, deaths up in the sky
And death below on the ground
What humor?
Who is laughing?
The killer is laughing
Remember the play...
"KILLER"  By Ionesco?
Only the killer was laughing at the end
He was laughing and laughing and laughing
Not a word
But laughter
Only laughter
The humor belongs to the killer

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