Wednesday, December 4, 2013





I fucked up my life
I fucked up completely, absolutely and completely.
I am responsible for the fuck up.
No one else is to be blamed

But the most difficult problem to handle right now is that...
I am still fucking up the remaining days of my life.
And believe it or not,
thats really bothering me because now I am 100% aware that I am fucking up
my remaining life and thats what's so immensely disturbing.

Before (Earlier) in my life I didn't know.
I wasn't aware that I was fucking up so it didn't bother me.
But now I am so conscious of the fuck ups(and still can't stop)
Thats the real tragedy which perhaps will be the source of ultimate breakdown.

But the matter of fact statement is (That as sure as I am of my birth)
I am so certain 100% positive that I did fuck up ...My entire life.

My life is fucked up.
My life is fucked up and I did it.
I fucked it all up.
I did it.
I fucked up my life
And now my life is absolutely and completely fucked up.
My life is fucked up.
And thats all I have to say.

Since its totally fucked up (My life I mean)
I should now relax and don't give a fuck.
Why must Karima Ullah give a fuck about a totally fucked up life?
And on top of it that its she (Karima Ullah) who did it herself.
Its her (me) who fucked it all up (My life I mean)
But since I am still fucking it up (My life ) I mean
I can't stop having nervous break downs.
So should you (I mean me)
I should
I should have a million mile long nervous breakdowns because it was my life
Don't they tell you that life is so precious blah...blah..blah..blah
And I , me, Karima Ullah fucked it all up
So why should I not have huge, enormous, complete nervous breakdowns?
Why do I need the permission of absolutely normal people to have my nervous breakdown?
My nervous breakdown which I earned after such a long and hard life which I
(Karima Ullah ) totally fucked up by her own hand

Fucked it all up...smashed like a moreno glass tray from Venice which I payed a fortune for
and then smashed it
Can you see the sanity of the choice?
No way.
Sane people only see sane choices, they recognize them because they make them.
Choices such as, {I am going to hustle and get ahead, no matter what"
I mean thats what hustle means...No matter what...
is the hustle.
Otherwise a person will say, "I am going to get ahead."
Nothing else but when, "NO matter what" is added to it...
That means,"Hustle."

Fucked up people don't know that.
Thats why they keep fucking up their entire life.
Only normal, sane people quietly say to themselves.,
"I am going to make it, no matter what."
"I am going to make it and I am going to fuck every one else up on the way."

But fucked up people like me (Karima Ullah ) say, "
I am going to get ahead and fuck up my life."

They don't say, "Hey, wait a minute, I am going to fuck you up and get ahead."
They say, "Hey, you know what, you go get ahead because I am so busy fucking it up."
"Fucking up my life" I mean.
Yes, thats what Karima means and thats what Karima Ullah did.
Karima Ullah fucked up her life and she is still doing it...................................

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