Tuesday, October 22, 2024



It's getting cold but I don't want to Leave

I can't leave this blissful garden

How can I?

Heaven amongst hell...

The jungle outside

With bicycles, motor bikes and dogs on the side walks

Any second your bones will be broken...

People in a hurry

Where are they going?

Going somewhere...

It's good to be in a hurry

Saves time

Life is short...

But they have no right to bump into you...

Bumping into other people  and smashing their shoulder blades...

Surgery is required is required because of their urgency of selfishness.

Got a rotator cuff...

Oh! here comes another one

Crushing everyones toes

He is in a hurry too...

Where is he going?

Going somewhere....

He can go whereever but doesn't have to take my toes with him...

Here comes the ferocious looking dog...

The owner is texting

The leash is very long

The dog is coming in between my legs

I am not only afraid of dogs but I have a bad knee as well...

The fear of the dog and no cartilage in the knee, a bad combination...

"Can you please watch your dog?"

I plead to the busy man on his phone...

He doesn't hear me...

"Can you please watch your dog?" I plead again

He takes his ear plugs out and is furious

'What's wrong miss? '"My dog is on a leash."

'The leash is very long and my knee is sensitive and when I am frightened

It gives a big jump and a jerk to my knee."

"My dog is fine, is very calm, is a puppy, won't do any thing to you."

"How do you know? You are not watching, you are texting."

'What's your problem miss? " My dog is good. Doesn't hurt any one, won't hurt you."

"I am not any one and if your dog does hurt me, it will be too late for me."

At this moment he mumbled a curse word and angrily walked away.

These kinds of things happen a lot on the side walk and now

I feel blessed and protected in this beautiful little garden.`

The garden is so peaceful, so serene...

No horns, no ambulances, no drunks, no homeless

No piercing siren's of police cars...

I can't believe i found this beautiful garden...

One day by walking, looking for a cafe, no cafe insight

I just turned on a remote corner and smelled scent of jasmine

There was a wall in-front of me though...

I almost turned around and go back to the bus...

Then suddenly I saw. a small gate, bit hidden

I went to the gate, it wasn't locked...opened it

Couldn't believe my eyes...

There was a gem of a green little, well maintained garden

Full of rose buds and jasmine sunflowers and flowers of all kinds

There was even a small table and a few chairs there...

I thought it was a dream...

Couldn't believe it.

I sat on the chair and took a long breath to get all the perfumes and fresh air

In my tired lungs...

The garden became my seceret Eden...

I went back many times

Sat there and read books, books my favorite books of poetry and philosophy...

Thought of Baudelaire, who was always looking for an adventure, going to exotic

places without ever getting there...

Read short stories by Maupassant, Poetry of Byron and T.S. Elliot...

Every evening I thought of the garden

Every morning I went there...

The gate was always open...

No one was ever there but I...

I can live here for ever...

It was my Eden...

Then I woke up...

It was a dream afterall.




Wednesday, October 16, 2024



"Demans hope from herself."

"Baffled and wounded but not angry."

Neither is she defeatist in her portrait of arts role."   Some one, a critic, whose name I have to look for said about 'Enter Ghost" a novel by Isabella Haddad



This adventure turned into a dump

There is nothing...nothing valuable to participate in


What conversation?

Conversation is one of the most rare things.

No one has conversations here

They have opinions

And only their opinion matters

One and only one opinion matters


Otherwise they walk away in anger...

Anger towards their enemies is deadly

And they have so many enemies.

Oh! god, so many enemies...

Almost the whole world

Half of the worlrl  for sure...

Not only they want to bomb countries

They want to bomb religions as well

r animalisticThe religions they don't like...

The religions, they consider animalistic 

But alas! they don't know perhaps that they can never bomb a religion

Religion is nothing but a belief

No one can kill a belief

It's in people's hearts, in their souls

So, the only thing they can kill is the people of faith

But they don't seem to understand that their  faith,

Their belief still lives after their murder...

It lives amongst their generations...

In souls of the dead people...giveIn their hearts

So, they oe day decide to kill the whole generation of people of faith

Children, women, grand children

The first one to be slaughtered...

No woman alive to give birth

There will be no children born

No children alive to grow. up

If there are no children left

Then they won't grow up

And then, there will be no people of belief

tunateNo people of faith...

That's what they think

But they are the most unfortunate people

They have no purpose in life...

But I am mistaken purpose is to muder

Their purpose is to murder others

Mutilate others...

Others they hate

Others they detest...

Their hatred seretes toxic harmons of passion

Passion to kill....

They call that justice of democracy...

They ae democratic

They are modern...

o assasinate are civilized...

That's how they describe their cruelty...


Now they make a list of the people they want assasinate

Their leaders approve that list

Their leaders give the final order

'Go, ahead, his time has come. Get the drone ready."

Of course, it's the leafders orders...

They have to obey...

A leader is a leader after all...

After the order of the leader, they write the name

of the one to be assasinated, the one whose

Opinion didn't match with the leader of democracy,

Afer the final order they write the name of the person, 

the one who didn't agree withe leader

On the bomber plan and on the 200 thousand tons of bomb

before they drop the bomb on him while he might be


Or in the toilet, woke up to take a leak

Or in his car, if he had a car, driving in the desert...

The bomb will come

It's like a play

In which...

 last scene, the final scene

Has to come before the curtain comes down

The avant gard leader think it's a comedy,

An experimental performance art piece...

formance artVery popular the new democratic performance art

They are teaching courses of that art in the IV league universities..

Bravo. The Western civilized, democratic world

Always creates new ways of performing.

They perform their performance art on people of faith

They have also invented a new name for people of faith

People of resistence, 

They call them, "Terrorists."

What a great word

A great word in the English language...

They keep updating their English dictionary...

It's a gret word, Terrorists."

The original wrier of the English Dictionary wouldn't have liked it...

Dr, Samuel     j    ohnson wasn't a murdere

He was an intellectual, a philosopher, a conversationalist...

The greatest conversationalist ever born

If he was alive today, he would have told people never to murder any one, 

And instead would have suggested, conversation between people of

opposite opinions and belief...because he knew belief can't be killed.

They have murdered millions of people but their belief,

Their Iman, their faith is still alive...

Yes, it is,

It is....

Thats why the killing is still going on....


 "WHAT PAST ACTIONS TELL US?"       Khalidid


Arthur James Balfour

Sir Charles Tegart

Gen sir Frank K Kitson

'How the Irish experience was exported to India, Egypt and then turned to Palestine.

You. have to understand British Colonialism more broadly?"



Take out alcohol


Ultra processed food

For gut health and leg circulation



Black beans

Chick peas




Dark chocolate

Black tea



Porcini mushrooms

Fruit peels










Fried food.



Let te world come into your work.

Don't stay within your imagination


The beginning of the story

Archives are incomplete

It resists to preserve and destroy

What do we do with all kind of silences?

The habit of my brain.

history might be more important than archives

Circulate your writing

Put your thoughts out in the world


You don't have to convince any one.


Thats not your work...


You just voice your thoughts.


Your voice is the most important.


At some point stop looking, start inventing.


Messiness of history...                         Isabella Hammad


Friday, October 4, 2024


"LOVE OF CONVERSATIONto participate."

This adventure turned into a dump.

There is nothing valuable to participate in.

Conversation perhaps?

What conversation?

Thursday, October 3, 2024



Foliate:  Nuts plus leafy greens

Vit C:  Peppers, Tomatos, Citrus

Zinc:  Prevents infectious disease.

Thiamin: BI

Vit D 3:  Prevents, Autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, cardiovascular, muscleand skeleton, infectious


Iodine:  Seaweeds, seafood, iodized salt

Vit E: Nuts ,seeds, vegetable oils

Calcium: Dairy, fish

Iron:  Red meat, eggs

Riboflavin:   Vit B2:  , Eggs, meats



Existentially anguished artist, troubled but not relently so." ?

"Tortured artist alienated from famrious depression."ily, friends, plagued by self doubt and serious


Please change that image if you are also one of those artists."   BS



Liberalism and weaponized  Tool?

Weakness of powere foLoss of valuesr what's rightfully ours.

Lost values

Struggle for what's rightfully ours...

Marginalized people, looking for freedom

'reservoir of values from history's cul-de sac

Mercy for humanity

Searching for truth  and freedom

Powerful trend of  thought, mercy for humanity

Agenda of power is shallow

Marginalized humanity, give up inferiority complex...colonized mentality and be brave

Craft your message with courage and confidence and pure intentions...

Mercy for opressed and lost humanity...

"OH! Mohammad, I have sent--as not but Mercy for humanity."

'Not for Muslims only but for the whole humanity."





"A CHANCE."              Ocean Vouong