Tuesday, November 24, 2015



Every day I think of changing my life
Everyday I say that tomorrow will be different
Every day I say I will do this and that
Every day I am sad
Every day I am sad because I didn't do what I said
What I said that I will do

Every day I write down the things I must not do
Every day I write down the things I must do
Every day I curse my self
Every day I wish my life could change
Every day It remains the same

Some one told me last night
That I stand in my way
Every day some one tell me
That I am standing in my own way
But thats all they say
Then they walk away saying,
"THey have to go, they are in a hurry."

Every day I seek an answer'
Every day I am confused
Every day I want to get out of my way
If that was the truth
But every day I am still standing
Where I was standing before
Every day I wish that the people who told me,
That I am standing in my own way
Would tell me how to get out of my way
But that no one helps you with

They just walk away after disturbing you
Walk away,
'I am in a hurry."
Then they walk away
I am still standing
I guess in my own way
But I should be content that
I am still standing
Even when I am in my own way
I am still standing
I should take myself with me
Wherever I want to go to
Wherever the change of life will take me

Everyday I want to change my life
Every day I am the same
Every day I ams ad
Every day I am the same
Every day, every day...........................

Thursday, November 19, 2015



i am in an awful dream during the day
I am in a play
My play
My fucking play
And the awful dream occur every night at 8pm

The same shit
Every time
The same shit every time
The same shit every time
The same SHIT

The shit for real
I am in the shit
In the shit
For so long
For so long
For so long

No bath will ever wash this shit off
I will always smell of shit
Shit of my own making
Shit of my own making
Shit of my own making

I smell
I smell
I smell
I smell
I smell of shit of my own making

I smell of shit
I smell of shit
I smell of shit
I smell of shit
Shit of my own making

Shit of my own making
Shit of my own making
Shit of my own making
Shit of my own making

My life stinks
My life stinks
My life stinks
My life stinks



Gourmet shit
Gourmet shit
Gourmet shit
Gourmet shit

Home made shit
Home made shit
Home made shit
Home made shit

Shit from farmers market
Shit from farmers market
Shit from farmers market
Shit from farmers market

Whole food organic shit
Whole food organic shit
Whole food organic market
Whole food organic market

I collected shit from all over the place
I think thats my life
The collection of shit from all over the place
Collection of shit from all over the place

Now its called a play
Now its called a fucking play
Its a fucking play
My life which is a collection of shit from all over the place
Now its called a play

Where is the fucking funding?
Where is the set?
Where is the audience?
Where are the actors?
Where is the money?
Where are the so called expert critics?
Oh! this play doesn't need criticism
Oh! this play doesn't need criticism
Oh! this play doesn't need criticism
Oh! this play doesn't need criticism

This is not a play
This is one of your usual nightmare
This is not a play
This one is one of your awful dream
So you have never stopped writing about your awful dreams
You have been constantly writing about it
You never went away
Your awful dreams never went away
You are constantly dreaming your awful dreams
The stinky, smelly, shitty awful dreams
You have been dreaming your awful dreams
Now you are performing them
Now you are performing them
Now you are performing them

But where are the actors?
Where are the critics?
Where is the theater?
Where is the budget?
Where are the posters?
Where are the lights?
Where ?

Where are you in your life right now?

In shit
In shit
In shit
In shit
In shit
In shit

But you were always in shit
But you were always in shit
But you were always in shit
But you were always in shit

Nothing has changed
Nothing has changed
Nothing has changed
Nothing has changed

But actually something has changed
Yes, something has changed
Yes, something has changed
Yes, something has changed

You have no life
You have no life
You have no life
You have no life

you have an awful dream
You have an awful dream
You have an awful dream
You have an awful dream

Now your dream comes during the day
Now your dream comes during the day
Now your dream comes during the day
Now your dream comes during the day

You have accomplished a hell of a lot
You have accomplished a hell of a lot
You have accomplished a hell of a lot
You have accomplished a hell of a lot

Now you are your own nightmare
Now you are your own nightmare
Now you are your own nightmare
Now you are your own night mare

These awful dreams have continued

These awful dreams have continued
These awful dreams have continued
These awful dreams have continued
These awful dreams have continued

Good for you miss
Good for you miss
Good for you miss
Good for you miss

So much achievement in one life time
So much achievement in one life time
So much achievement in one life time
So much achievement in one life time

Brava miss
Brava miss
Brava miss
Brava miss
Brava miss

So impressed
So so impressed
So so so impressed
So so so so so so so so so so impressed.