Is it the paranoia?
Or real terror of something related to the beginning of insanity?
You say, "Beginning?"
It began long time ago.
You could never make decisions
Small decisions, big decisions
No decisions at all
You always asked others, all others, family, neighbors, friends, passer by...
If all of the above got tired of you asking the same question a million times,
You would go and find any body....
Any body who will listen
The same question
Again and again.....
Again and again...
Again and again....
Jesus, please.....
The ailment became bigger and bigger and more intense
"Should I do this or should I not do this?"
Was always the question about anything and everything.....
Big things, small things, all kinds of things.
To buy shoes, to buy, sweaters, to buy this lipstick or that lipstick...
To do it or not to do it....
Always was the biggest question of your life...
It seems like not important at that time
Everything seemed insignificant at that time
Everything was not so harmful about those little choices,
"To buy the red lipstick or to buy the pink lipstick
was not such life threatening choices....
But those choices which were questioned and never made turned into eventual disasters.......
Not availing the chance to go to England...
Not keeping the car...To stay or to leave?
Not being able to decide to travel......
"Should I do it or not do it?"
Became a Hamlet like condition.
"To be or not to be thats the question"
At least that question was about the existentialism....
An important eternal question and it was a great tragedy
written by a great writer of any times...........
Your lack of decision process either way is a laughable, a pitiable, a shameful
How could you not decide on your own what's good for you?
How could you ask every Tom, Dick and Harry about, "Should I do it?"
"Should I not do it?"
What do they know about your life?
And what do they care?
And how much time they have for you to examine your paranoiad quest of finding the right answer?
They are busy....
Busy with their own lives and their I pods and I pads and lack of concern about
You have come to this that you can't decide whether you should take a particular
medicine or not?
You ask others, "Should you?"
Isn't it pathetic?
They are not sick
You are
You are the one who is going to benefit from it
If there are any benefits in any poisonous drug...
And the side effects?
What the fuck do they care if it has side effects or not...
They are not taking it
You are...
You can die as if they care....
You can die of the disease if you don't take the drug
Or you can die of the side effects if you do take it...........
They don't care
They don't fucking care
No body cares....
They don't have time to care..........
The world is digital and busy
You ask them questions which involves passion........
Which machine Ever showed passion?
You are an adult, make your own decisions
But maybe you are not an adult
You are a child and the decisions have to be made for you......
Too bad that you don't have parents to make those decisions.........
You have to decide.....
Right decision or the wrong one.........
When one make s a decision it always seems like the right one at that time
Only later on one wonders if that was the right one or not.........
But you in your mental insanity always question it as if it is the wrong decision?
Why don't you ever think that it can be the right one?
Are you so negative about everything?
And how come you always know already that not taking the swift action and a bold attack at the right time is always the wrong decision?
Why do you delay and delay and delay till it becomes an enormous problem, un=solvable problem?
Why the positive in your life does not exist?
Why always the negative side of the story is your story?
Isn't life about negatives and positives?
Why in your case there is always a negative staring at your face like the most scary
monster? Always the same monster in every new situation?
Get rid of that monster........
Get rid of the addiction to fear........
What ever is going to happen is going to happen ant way........
You can't be so safe.......
Life is not safe..........
You are worried about the side effects of a medicine?
You can go out and get hit by a car........
Just my luck............
And why your luck is so bad?
Because you never count the good things in your life......
Always the bad ones
Only the dark side of the story
Any story
Big story, small story
What have you achieved by your negativity so far?
Destruction only.............
Can't help get rid of the dark side?
Then live with it
Its your dark side
No one is going to join you or question you or help you
for not lighting the candle.....................
No one gives a shit............
You have to do it.....
You have to do it........
Good bad, you have to do it and be responsible for it.........
Its also possible that the medicine might remove your suffering........
Is that one of the possibility or not?
Or only the side effects is the purpose of it?
Then don't take it...........
And live with it...........
Stop asking others to help you..........
Its your life, go help your self.........
But even if there was any help available, you don't have that kind of fortune...........
You are all alone in a cruel, brutal, cunning, selfish, uncaring, un loving world
You can drop dead and no one will care..............
You can't be so vulnerable
You will be swallowed up by the world
You already have been swallowed........
Don't swallow yourself
You will choke to death...................
You want to prevent death or hasten it?
Well you are hastening it darling, hastening it.
Don't be afraid.......
Be courageous
Be bold
Take actions
And take actions swiftly
don't worry about the result when you take that action
Unless you are going to murder someone.....
Think of only good things will happen after you take that action
Other wise you won't be able to do it.........
You will stop, like you have already.........
You have stopped..................
Its a shane............
Live your life till you die and you will
Every one will die
But they are not thinking of death while they are on the IPAD
They are thinking of twitter and face book and blogs and you tube............
See how there are no questions of existentialism and anguish and darkness and horribly dark images of diseases while they are chatting and twittering............
The world is happy..........
Buy some electronic toys like they all have and play with those..........
Take your mind off the heavy negative, scary thought process which has
occupied you all your life.........
Nothing is new
You were never able to make decisions at all
Others nade decisions for you
and all others are gone and now you have to do it
and its scary
so very scary
but you have to do it sweetheart
Might as well do it with a positive happy thought.