PAUL: We took this house just for this huge living room. Great place though, (pause)
In the winter just this room...So vast...You couldn't warm this room.
One time we got twenty inches of snow and they, (pause) other lovers couldn't
even enter the place. The snow was up-to their butt. (laughs) It was funny. (laugh louder) It was hysterical. Than the snow froze and became all ice. Ice and ice and ice.
Me ? A city guy in the country. A city bumpkin. We couldn't even get the car out.
We couldn't even get the car out. So we lit a fire and made love and made love and
made love.
We made so much love that we,"EXHAUSTED LOVE." and got out of the,"LOVE
BEATRICE: You divorced?
PAUL: No, we were never married. We were together with free,"SEX." with range of
wide and numerous lovers kind of a deal. We were never married. We still stayed
together but we never,"MADE LOVE TO EACH OTHER AGAIN." No, we never
made love with each other...Never.
We blamed the snow and ice outside, we blamed our huge cold house, except this
room with fire place going where we exhausted love and love making.
BEATRICE: But love making can never be exhausted.
PAUL: Yes, you are correct. Don't get me wrong. When I say,"We never made love again"
I mean, we never made love to each other but of course we didn't give up love
making. I mean how can one do that? We made love always and always in this
vast room but with other lovers right in-front of each other.
That was the deal of our romantic life. We were attractive people. Highly
attractive, young, wealthy, upper-class, blue blood, civilized American people.
We were not going to cut each other's heads off for infidelity. We are free, liberal,
educated, individualistic citizens and you know how long it took us to get to this
kind of freedom? All those half naked people running around on the mountain
tops and civil war and all that slaughter.....It took us Centuries to get this kind of
freedom and we are not going to give it up now.
BEATRICE: Of course not and no one is suggesting that we should.
PAUL: (Interrupts her) You are wrong on that sweetheart....wrong. There are lots of
people and nations who are angry at us.
BEATRICE: (Interrupts him) Angry?
PAUL: Yes, angry. Furious actually. So furious about our freedom. Our total incredible
American freedom that they want us to change completely. Follow some stupid
ancient rules and become completely, "DRY." and, "NON-FUNCTIONAL"
They don't want us to have the freedom of,"LOVE MAKING AT ALL"
BEATRICE: As long as we have technology of ,"CONDOM" We can make love a million times
to a million people if we want.
PAUL: Exactly. Its our bodies, our fluids. If we want to exchange our body fluids whose
God dammed business it is to prevent us?
BEATRICE: No one can dare.
PAUL: They dare, baby, they dare. But we are,"LOVE MAKERS" We can't be intimidated.
I mean what's wrong with that? Our living room, our fire place, our own lovers.
BEATRICE: They shouldn't have a problem with that.
PAUL: But they do.
PAUL: They want to make love too.
BEATRICE: So they should.
PAUL: How? They neither have an elegantly vast room like this, nor a fire place, nor
plenty of handsome virile lovers.
BEATRICE: That's their problem.
PAUL: Exactly. But they blame us.
PAUL: Because we have it and they don't.
BEATRICE: Then they should also have what we have.
PAUL: But they can't
BEATRICE: Why not?
PAUL: They don't have the capability like we do. They don't have our looks. Our
physique. Our wardrobe.
BEATRICE: Who needs a wardrobe when all one wants is to be naked and have love making.
PAUL: I know. But you know what I mean. Before they get to that, "NAKED PART."
They need a wardrobe, a sexy wardrobe to attract lovers. They need the house
in the country, this huge carpeted room and that glorious marble fire place and
snow outside.
BEATRICE: (Interrupts him with a longing) Its so romantic to have all that.
PAUL: Yes exactly. The problem is that they are not,"ROMANTIC.". Not romantic at all.
If they were, they would have figured it all out from the very beginning.
PAUL: See, we figured it out. How could they not? I am quite perplexed about that.
BEATRICE: My father helped me figure it out. He also had a country home.
PAUL: Exactly. You said it. Some one have to help you figure it all out especially if you
are such a moron like all of them.
BEATRICE: Thank God we were neither morons nor were we all alone by ourselves shivering
in the cold without fire places.
PAUL: Yes. That kept us warm. And when one is warm one wants to take one's clothes off
and play.
BEATRICE: Thank God we can ,"PLAY."
PAUL: What else is there in life but play and have fun, a lots of fun, lots and lots of,
BEATRICE: OH! OH! I am getting itchy. Where are the rest of our lovers? I mean, we have
stopped making love with each other...I am cool with that. But where are our
PAUL: YEH...where are they? Its taking awfully long time for them to arrive.
BEATRICE: Maybe they are stuck in the snow?
PAUL: Gee...I didn't think about that. Thats what it is...its twenty eight inches of snow out there. I wonder how long will it be before they arrive?
BEATRICE: I am far too horny for that...
PAUL: Well! There shouldn't be such hard and strict rules in life especially when,"LOVE"
is concerned.
BEATRICE: But we don't love each other. We only need to,"FUCK." Right?
PAUL: You mean, "LOVE MAKING?"
BEATRICE: Of course I mean that. What else would I mean? We are free. Liberated. Ex
lovers. We can say the word,"FUCK." English language is the best language in
world. The English language has so many different meanings of just a simple word
such as,"FUCK" which actually means tender loving.
PAUL: I know. I still like the word,"LOVE MAKING." Its more aristocratic and don't
forget where we come from?
BEATRICE: Yes, you are right. In my excitement of impatience I forget.
PAUL: Never forget where you come from. Never. Especially when you come from
BEATRICE: Of course. Of course. I am such a fuck sometimes.
PAUL: Don't worry baby...Don't worry. (Pause) (Very sexily and seductively he comes to
Are you ready baby? Are you ready my pussy?
BEATRICE: (Lustily) I am ready darling. I am ready my sweet. I am ready my sugar. I am
ready my many chocolate layered cake. I am ready my hot melting fudge candy.
I am ready...I am so ready.
(They both do a striptease for each other, classical music plays. They are stark naked,
they leap at each others like ferocious tigers. Lights fade to black. Music keeps playing
during the black out)