Saturday, July 24, 2010


Than Karin stopped sleeping.
He became a wanderer at night
He explored his life like a bad movie, 
Watching all the disturbing scenes one by one
over and over...

He simply stayed awake all night...
He wanted to sleep but he couldn't...
He became insomniac
Insomnia of love
Fever of love
Couldn't sleep without him
Whoever that,"Him" was...
He had to have him in bed with him
That smell of flesh
That warmth
That heat
That heat of love in a hot country
Where he only felt the scorching heat
But no heat of touch
No heat of smell
No heat of contact
He wanted to sleep with that ivory colored flesh
not kill it...

He will look at his gun next to his hot cot of a bed
The gun which was the only companion of his night
Of all nights
With which he was supposed to kill the love'he cherished,
who knows
All he wanted was to sleep
and not sleep alone
because he couldn't
any more...
no more sleep alone.

He wants a companion
A man companion
A man whom he also want to destroy
He wants to sleep with the one he wants to also kill...
Karim could no longer sleep at night
He was now declared,"Insomniac."
But for him
It was lack of love
And love only
Karim had a fever
A fever of want
A fever of sleep
A fever of lack of sleep
Just a fever of desire
Intense desire...
Desire and its fear kept him awake all night...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Then Karim woke up
He was sweating profusely
His head was feverish
His heart was throbbing heavily
His temples were pounding with anticipation of the same dread
which he had experienced so many times before...

The same nightmare of entrapment 
 Which he has been dreading since his adulthood...
Always appearing in the form of nightmares...
He can't leave the place he is in...
Can't get out
Can't escape

Always this feeling
Being late for some thing...Something important...
Can't get out
Can't get there in time...
He will fail
Fail in everything
Everything he will encounter he will fail in ...

Doesn't take much to go on...
Make an effort to go on...
Go on....
Go on where?
Where to?
To hell and back
To hell and back

Hell is the night mare
And back is after he wakes up and is 
Relived that it was only a night mare
And why this night mare is persistent?
That's been the search of Karim's life...
All his life he has been fighting this feeling of being trapped
Trapped by his circumstances
Trapped by the poverty
Trapped by his shyness to approach people who could help him
Trapped y the love of his family
Trapped by the moral obligations towards his family
Trapped by the sense of duty
Trapped by the self sacrifice 

Trapped by his desires
Trapped by his own sexuality
Trapped by his fondness for boys
The guilt
The tremendous guilt he feels if he ever
 Try to do anything good for himself
He can do a lot for others but not for himself
Trapped by the sense of generosity for others
 But the sense of stinginess for himself
Trapped by the sense of martyrdom...

When he wakes up he is relieved as usual
"It was just a nightmare."
'But what a nightmare!"
"But why?"
He has been asking this question for so long now...
He is thirty two years old
He has no lover
Neither a man nor a woman
He loves woman
But not that way...
A different way of love for women
Like sisterly love
Like motherly love
Like a love so intense towards an intensely beautiful woman friend
But towards a man?
He feels differently
His heart flutters so fast when he sees a man
 With whom he would love to exchange
kisses .....
Just the idea, mere idea of that makes him feel 
He is going to collapse with the sense
of sin...
Sense of sin so heavy a burden like a marble slab 
On his chest crushing him with all
kinds of moral ambiguity and guilt that he feels
He is crumbling to smithereens long before he 
Will ever have a chance to even touch a man that way...

He thinks he will die a virgin...
How can he disappoint his family
His society
His ambitions
His duty to produce a heir to the family to keep their name alive
Poor or not, his family is very honorable...
How can he bring so much dishonor to the poor father
 And grand father and his mother and his sisters...
His sisters will die as old spinsters

No man will every marry them if
They find out that Karim desire men...
No, he can't do that to his poor sisters
They have to be married and have children
What is a woman if she is not married 
And is not taking care of her husband and children?

Maybe after all his sisters are married,
Then and maybe then he can love a man...
How long would that be?
Maybe he would be forty by then
Or fifty even...
Which man would love him when he is fifty years old?
With no shape and no muscles to be proud of...
He has muscles now but he is not proud...
People find him very handsome...
Handsome, dark, tall, lean, well shaped, strong....
But he loaths himself...
He can't desire like the others
And if he desires like the others, this tremendous shame
And sense of ominous danger falls upon him...
Why does he feel this way?
Why is this burden his responsibility?
What is it?
This concern for the other?
The family
The humanity?
Is this the burden of love?
Is this the burden of shame?
Is this the burden of un-fulfilled desire?
Why does he desire men?
When he is a muslim?
Isn't it forbidden in Islam to love men?
Is he a bad muslim?
Is he a muslim at all?
Is it all pretending?

Should he sitsdown with his father and grandfather and all his clan
and declare,
"Listen, I desire men and that's that."
Can he imagine what will happen at that precise moment?
Perhaps the sky will fall all over him and them 
And that would be the end of many generations...
Right there and then and the story will end 
And he will be so proud in death...

But if the sky doesn't fall and
Kill every one in an instant,
Then what will happen?

They will shoot him with their powerful guns 
And than shoot themselves 
or stab him seven times 
like the whole clan stabbed Ceaser...

After-all they are Pathans, Pushto speaking Pathans of tribal areas...
"Guess what, the only son of Pushtoon speaking tribe 
of Amnunstan, the real Pathans, the only clan left 
In the Hindu Kush mountains of South Asia
And that son will never have a son himself because he is gay."
'Imagine that!" "Just Imagine that!"

"No, I can not do that..."
"I can never do that..."
"I can never desire and fulfill my love for a man."
'I can never confess my desire openly....Never."
"I am a Pathan"
"I speak Pushto"
"I am the heir of a proud clan who has to produce many more proud Pushtoons."
I am the muslim soon to be the head of a fierce, Pathan clan 
fighting for their honor, their land, their women, their country."

"I am a proud muslim man, a proud Pathan."
"My desire, my fever, my anguish, my passion for a man will 
Make me a weak man, 
A man who trembles at the sight of blood and war,"
"A weak man who only desire beauty
 And aesthetic of beauty,.
 Who hears violence in every cry for love,
 Who dies for a kiss on the lips of desire,
 Who cherishes the taste of love even after his death."

"No, I can't be that weak man.
 Full of beauty and devoid of violence."
"I have to fight a war...I have to kill my enemy
 Who is coming to kill me."
"I can't love, I am not ready for love,
 I want to love a man and I am not ready.
 And no one is ready for it either.
  My tribe, my family, my religion."

And that's what keeps Karim awake and anguished
 Every night and when he sleeps 
He has his constant night mares of obscure and abstract nature 
 Snakes running after him 
And daggers drawn at him by the sea urchins 
And all kinds of horrible fires engulfing him and burning him to mere ashes...
His love of man is the only thing he desires 
And desire passionately and 
That is the only desire he wants to completely destroy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


"For the human beings and the ordinary
circumstances of life, merely reserve a kind smile
which dispenses you to connect with them." Camus

The malady of Karim had been that he tried
desperately to connect with lots of human beings
and all ordinary circumstances of life, failing terribly
in his own important endeavors and ambitions of his
own life.

How could one pay such sincere concern to every fake
expression of false warmth and false promises of friendship
made by the false human beings of this planet?

How could one be so naive like Karim and still expect to achieve
even the slightest rewards of life?
His life was devoted to un-necessary worries about who said what
and why whoever said whatever whoever said?

Analysis of these kinds, mindless and pointless examinations
about people and their utterances took all Karim's energies away.
He couldn't concentrate on his own concerns about his own
ambition, he didn't even know what his ambition was after a while.
He was most of the time wallowing in his self pity and victimhood while never
realizing that he has now become a complete victim of his own supine
intelligence and wasteful activity of worrying about his relationships
with the fellow human beings while in reality he had absolutely no
relationship of any kind with any one.

People were just using him when they needed to talk to someone but they actually were the
most selfish people he had ever encountered and he never knew that.
He must be the most trusting and naive person who was ever born.
It was him who out of his confusion and bewilderment of not knowing
how to live in the world was always available for lots of people whom
he called friends, but actually he had not a single friend. He was just a simple fool.
He stupid little fool.
A stupid big fool. He was a court jester without a king, without a court and without
a pay check while all the people who were using him to pass half an hour of their time
for their own tongues to practice gossip in case the tongues might get ossified were
rich people who often ridiculed him for the lack of skills in particular of one which
taught him not to make a single dollar..........he had no skill of making money
but he had the skill of making people laugh and was literally an un-licensed therapist.

After talking to him people would declare how relieved they felt and how the heavy burden of depression and sadness has lifted from their shoulders and now they can go back to their
ambitious schemes to make tons of more dollars while Karim would feel extremely depleted
to do anything constructive. But all the time he blamed himself that he had nothing constructive to do instead of realizing that he just helped people lighten their daily emotional burdens just by listening and sincerely talking to them and giving them his precious time unconditionally thinking that those were his well wishers and intimate friends while they did nothing for him.

When he needed them they were never available...They won't answer the phone. The Voice mails always announced their unending important business MEETINGS they were always in and couldn't pick up the phone to talk to him.
They were never available till they would have their own petty concerns or gossips to deliver
to themselves while they wanted a listener....Like a garbage bag for the garbage to be thrown in and thrown away without any attachment or a second thought....

Well how much emotions do we go through while we are throwing our garbage away?
That's how the so called ordinary circumstances and ordinary so called, "Human beings." treated him. But it would be fare to say that Karim let them be treated that way.
Was it deliberate?
No. It was not. Karim was more sophisticated a person than that but he didn't know he was allowing himself to be treated that way. He never understood the word,"Victim" It never existed in his dictionary. He thought he was just kind of heart and sensitive towards other people at the
expense of his own time and needs.

He was educated, kind, feeling person but he never knew how to live in the world with clever, cunning, hissing, poisonous people who actually never left him alone either. He was for sure serving some of their purposes that they won't completely let go of him.
He became the bate on the fishing rod's hook.

And than one day he woke up. Woke up and stayed drowsy for a long time. But when he woke up he realized that something was wrong. He didn't understand what was wrong but he knew something was and all of a sudden all those people and their smiles seemed fake to him.
Though those smiles were utterly fake to begin with but Karim had never realized it before.
He was not one 100 percent sure still but something about them and the streets they lived on and their offices from where they made tons of money seemed not pure....

This feeling of uneasiness was of a new kind. He has gone through the pangs of consciousness before but of a different kind....
He felt that he had been used and it was him who allowed it and Karim didn't know that ....
No, not yet. That will take a long time and than knowing Karim, a tremendous regret will overtake him and he will curse himself and go through self hatred of a different kind and waste the rest of his beautiful life which was half wasted already..............

But where did all this come from? This personality trait....He lived in the West, he was educated in the West, he was smart, came from good family, kind, hospitable, generous, god fearing, ambitious....

How come with all those qualities he became the victim of the West?
He was also lacking in some thing considered very bad qualities in the Buddhism....
Selfishness, cunning, self determination to advance while knocking everyone out of ways.
never worrying or caring for anyone except himself, never be honest, never be sincere, push forward and knock everyone who is in the way out of sight. Punch them in the face if you have to and than claim self defense...And get out of every situation as smoothly as one take a single thin hair out of the melting hot butter.............

Even after waking up Karim had a long way to go and he didn't know which way that would be...
Even when he is all alone by himself, Completely isolated from all the hustlers of the world finally, Karim wouldn't know which road to follow. That was Karim's tragedy. That was Karim's malady. Karim had wasted too much of his precious time with utterly useless human beings and utterly pointless activity with them from which he gained a big fat zero..............

Karim failed in how to manipulate a life in his and only his own direction.
Karim suffered from a malady.
rbage to be thrown in

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


And one day he woke up
From the deep sleep that head injury has put him in
He woke up
And there was nothing there
Nothing to smell
Nothing to taste
Nothing to touch
Nothing to hold

"Where Am I?"
He asked
There was no answer
Because he was nowhere
Not even in his own head
His head was a vacant lot of
Lost memories
And was also full of the loss of those memories

'How can that be?"
He questioned himself
"How come that be?"
"No one around...Nothing to smell.."
"Why am I awake?"
"Why Is this senseless awakening?"
"Who is holding my head in for breaking?"

"But its already broken, almost broken with all the contents lost"
"Lost and vanished forever"
"Why even I exist?"
"Do I exist?"
'Who am I?"
'What malady am I suffering from?"
"Is there something called a, malady?"
"Yes, they told me, it exist, the malady and I am suffering from it"
'And it has nothing to do with the head injury either"

'The malady was already there"
'Before I fell"
'Fell and was knocked out"
'And years passed"
'And than more years passed"
And than I woke up"
"But not from the malady though"
Malady was my heritage"
'It will be my heritage till I die"
'But I am already dead"
"Some one told me I am already dead"
"Why did I wake up ?"
"To inherit the malady"
"But I already have inherited it"
"Perhaps I woke up to take it with me"

"Where am I going?"
"And why am I taking the malady with me?"
"Because its mine"
"That's all that was mine"
Nothing else was mine"

"Why would you want anything else when you have such a gift already"
"Malady is the greatest gift"
"Ask the ones who don't have it"
"They have nothing"
"Nothing to show when they are dead and gone"
"People talk about the malady long after the death"
'Otherwise one is not remembered when one is gone"
"Thank god for the gift he bestowed upon you"
"Imagine! what would you be without your malady?"
"A normal person"
"A very normal person."
"A bore"
"A real bore"