Monday, June 28, 2010


Sleepless nights
Aimless days
Difficult people around

The same four corners
The same four corners
The same four corners
The same four corners

Get away
Get away from all
Break away from the prison
Run away

Fly and sing
Sing up in the air
Get out of the prison
And fly away

You, the one with wings
Must never had chopped your wings off
Now you are stuck
But still you can escape

No visible walls to the prison
Easier to escape
Just get up and leave
You sit too long

Don't think

Be an actor
What a great profession
Actors become other people
Actors travel

Actors fly
Actors sing
You have the same sour puss demeanor for centuries
Centuries old

Centuries spent in prison
Man made prison
All things are man made
You make something too

Make wings
Colorful wings
Invent songs
New songs

Fly away singing
Write lyrics
Give a tune to it
And fly away singing

You are a bird
A singing bird
That's your name
You can't be confined in a prison

Too free for the four corners of the roundabout
Horizons are wide open
You belong somewhere up there
Up in the blue sky

Sky full of clouds
And rain
And ash even
But still you belong up there

Get up and break all imaginary walls
All fences must be broken
For your wings
Because your wings

Are delicate
You are a peacock

In a prison
Like Oscar Wilde
A peacock of colors
Confined in a prison

You are luckier than Oscar Wilde
He was put in there by others
You chose the function of others
And confined yourself

What crime did you commit?
He didn't commit a crime either
They were evil

You must be evil
So evil
To put yourself in
A prison

Now the secret is revealed to you
You imprisoned yourself
You can remove yourself
From the self confined punishment

Why must you punish your self?
Do you know what crime did you commit?
I don't know
I search for the crime I committed

But I can't find it
You parched your wings
You singed them
You sat in a corner

With broken wings
Make new wings
Create them'
Colorful wings

A peacock with wings
With all the colors of the Orient
Colors of the East
Colors of the poets

It doesn't suit you to sit in a prison
With colors of a peacock
You need to get into Holland park
and walk majestically

Slowly and melodiously
So the visitors can stop and watch
Watch you dance
Dance before you sing

Sing the song of freedom
Not the song of slavery
Not the song of confinement
Sing the song of freedom

The freedom
No one gives you but you
Yourself, give it to yourself
Your long lost freedom

You are free
You don't know it though
You thought that you were a slave
A slave of tradition

Of color
So you imprisoned yourself
To save them the trouble
But you are free

You need to know that you are free
You are the one who cornered yourself
Within four corners
You are the one who is now free

Because you just freed your self
You want to respect the color of your
The color god gave you

The beautiful color
And the voice
The melody of a song
Now sing

I made you a bird
I gave you a name
I called you ,"a singing bird."
And you sat in a corner

Thinking that you were put there
There is no one around
No one
All the other birds flew away

You took too long
The door of the, "PINGRA" is now open
Sneak out

Escape from yourself
And your self inflicted sorrow
You are a bird
You are not a human being

You are more beautiful than that
You are not cruel like humans
You have no sorrow
All sorrow is reserved for the evil human beings

They have the instincts of greed
Of accumulation
Of occupation
Of bloodshed

You are pure gold and silver and pearls and rubies
And diamonds
As precious as a stone with a song in you
But you are much lighter than a stone

Stones can't fly
That's why they are worn by the human
Rich and evil and greedy human beings
Lighter than air is better than a diamond

On a rich finger
People will cut that finger one day
To take that diamond away
There is robbery in the world

Your feathers belong to you
Your colorful feathers belong to you
Your song belong to you
Unless you want to abandon it

Abandon your feathers?
Abandon your color?
Abandon your song
You won't be forgiven

To take your freedom away
To take your song away
To take your gift away..........
That's cruel

And evil
And is a crime
Which is bigger than a prison
Bigger than all punishments

You were given freedom
Freedom to fly
Freedom to sing
Now fly away

And sing
Sing your songs
Sing your melodious songs
Your name is, "SINGING BIRD"

Friday, June 25, 2010


When the story is finished
The curtain falls
But some times the story goes on and on and on
And people are waiting for the curtain to come down
But the curtain is not there....
Its an invisible curtain
Its not falling
Even if it is...No one can see it
And no one dare leave ...
Because they don't think the play is over yet
The critic is really restless....
Oh! there is a critic there?
How did he come?
He came....
They usually come to praise their own friends
He came to curse you
Because the curtain was not falling
And he had to go eat
Was he hungry?
He was starving
He wasn't starving for culture though
The culture was too long
The culture can be long
No nothing can be long
It has to be nice and short and sweet and amusing
The play was amusing
That's the reason the curtain was not falling
There was no curtain to fall
The story had ended
People should have left
People stayed
Its their fault
They should have left
We didn't force them to stay
They shouldn't even have come
We didn't force them to come
They came on their own
They didn't have to come
Some of us are lousy playwrights
Some of us are really lousy and long
Very long and Un-Ending lousy playwrights
All of us are not Angles of America
Some of us are the devils of the World
We write devilishly bad plays...
Yes we do.....
No one has to come see them
Neither critics nor people....
Who needs them
We don't need the free papers of America writing bad reviews about us
We already know that we are bad
We are bad playwrights....
I am a bad playwright
I call myself, "We."
Because I am a queen
Not the queen which is liked by the drama critics by the way
The queen who writes bad plays
Actually, "I' I mean, "We" don't know how to write a play
The play is always long
Always tedious
Always boring
No structure
No format
No plot
Too long
At least those are the announcements of the drama critics....
The experts..........
But we already know we are bad playwrights
The worst of the worst
We don't need the critic to tell us
We already know............
We don't need the critic
Nor the audience
Nor the curtain
Nor the falling of the curtain either
Our story is going to go on and on and on
You don't want to hear it
Don't come
Simple as all that...........
We don't want you
We don't need you
We don't care
Our story is long and tedious and laborious and boring and political
and its going to go on and on and on and on
Like American wars....................

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Now an hour spent on the useless activity
of malfunction of the machine
This time the printer
Its either the printer
Or the ink
Or the attachment
Or the mismanagement of the opening of the attachment

What attachment?
Sound romantic
Doesn't it?

Attachment to whom?
No attachments please
We are the busy democratic, Isolated, Messed up. angry, very angry
No attachments please............
The expansive machine is not working
Never working
Never functioning machines
Always something wrong
Either with me or the machine....
Mostly with me........................

Now what ever I was going to write on this f****ing machine has gone out of my brain
Now I am angry as usual
Because I am one of the most non functioning f****ing machine.....
Nothing works
Nothing is right
Nothing can be right
Its all my fault
Off course its my fault
Well, off course
I give up
I give up
I give up
I quit...................................
Malady will never quit though...................
Malady will continue
And the illuminations of the malady will continue too..............................

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Have to change life
Good life
Is it?
Bad life
Is it?
Have to change
Change life
Not happy with it......

Need to change the routine
That's in case there is one
Is there one?
A routine
Is it there?

That's a major problem
Have a routine
Only having coffee in a cafe
And after that?
Frustration, unhappiness
Should be happy in my unhappiness...

There are lots of ass holes
Inflicting all kinds of pain
And torture
Please don't think about them
Please don't talk about them....

Only the thought
Not the action
That is not so conducive
To the mental health

Ideas must be put into practice
The ideas which come from a thought

Thought and action
That's it..........

Action is missing
And that's the cause of depression

"TRue vocation of a man or woman is the intelligent
use of freedom."
Some one said that...........
I read it somewhere.........

No one can force anyone to do anything
Whatever people do,(most of them) is their own

"Freedom shouldn't make you sad or despondent
but joyful and happy. Freedom exists for its enjoyment"
Some one said that..........
I read it somewhere...........

"Aided and abetted by whoever you are with"

Don't worry, you are alone....
Use your freedom wisely....
The world is going to belong to you
But its a hard world
Will you need to know everything you can
to get along?
Yes, you will need to know everything to get along
and to understand at least some of it...."
Some one said that
Yes, I read it somewhere..........
Don't read too much
You will be lost
There is far too much to read

Don't think too much
You will be lost
There is far too much to think....

"THe wisdom of the world lies open to you
Just waiting for you to tap it....I envy you."
Some one said that
I read it somewhere..........

Don't read too much
You will go nuts
Don't think too much
You will go nuts.......

You are always answering questions
Ask questions, don't answer them
When some one asks you a question
Come back with a question like
'Well- what do you think about that?"
Great questions never have straight, Yes, or NO answers
'Let there be nothing grim or forced."
"Be serious without being glum."
"YOu want to........
NOt that you have to."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Can't go there right now
Too early to be at the gilded domesticity
And its not so gilded either....
Its just the tedious domesticity
A hateful trap....

To reduce your sorrow
I will give you another dollar

"Thanks. But if only the dollar was able to reduce
My sorrow...."
Oh! your life is so painful

"You didn't know that?"

Other people's needs have become our
And their desires to build have become our

The bombs rain on the sleeping children
To make the powerful nations secure in their
Opera houses.....

They say, "THey are threatened by the human terror
while listening to Mahler and Brahms...

The children of terror will die in their sleep
If they were lucky...
Or will live after loosing their limbs, their eyes, their brains
On fire
In the hell fire called, "Life" their, "Tiny life."
Their tiny existence...These tiny babies
Are a threat to the bombers and to their
They fly so far away, so, so far to
To maim...
For their security

Its too much
Far too much
This ugly reality
Stark ugly reality
I must not stare at it
At this stark naked, ugly reality
One must live inside of a dream.

But how does one capture the dream
If one can't sleep at night?
Sleep has been murdered

Life eventually became an aberration
All strength, all will sucked up to the
Anxiety of loss...

Loss of a mother
Loss of a father
Loss of a home
A brother
A sister
A loss of a bazar full of beggars and flies..........

Came for an adventure
Not knowing
Not knowing the scheme of things
The adventure ended before arrival....

The anguish took over and
Lasted for so long....
That must be the adventure
In the free world
Constant, gnawing, prickly anguish.................

Monday, June 14, 2010


How some time
Some people come all alone by themselves
To the cafe and order a glass of wine
And drink it quietly and sit silently
And think.............
I wonder what do they think about?
Happy things?
Sad things?
Disturbing things?
Cheerful things?
Remorseful things?
But they sit silently over a glass of wine
And think...............
I can't do that
I never order a glass of wine in a cafe
When I am alone
And I don't think...........

I avoid thinking in a cafe
I read a book in a cafe
And scribble.................
I come to the cafe to avoid thinking...........
My thinking keeps me awake
All night
I think at night...........
All night
While I toss and
All night
I think...............

He is sad
He is thinking
His thinking must be sad
He is alone
He is thinking
His thinking has to be sad
His thinking is all alone by itself
That's so sad......

All roads blocked by fences
The fences can suffocate
Its a prison
What will people accomplish if
they do escape the prison?
Death maybe...
They will be shot
And if they don't escape?
They will die
So why put electric wires o
On the top of fences?
To execute them
But they are going to die
Inside any way
Doesn't matter
This way they can't escape....
They have to perish inside
That's the law of the prison

He is now smiling
The sad man who was having a glass
Of wine all by himself and looked
So sad before
Wine cheered him up
He is now smiling
I should have
Wine in the cafe too
And wine at night
Before my thinking
Project to cheer me up at
Instead of tossing and turning
with the thinking"s sadness...........

Nine days?
Nine days, it took you
To wash your hair?
Too long
Far too long...
Its a sign of depression.
"I am under treatment
Right now...I used to not
Wash my hair for a month
Sometimes six weeks..
Some times two months...
I was ashamed to confess it....
But now I am under treatment
Tha's why I washed my hair
After only nine days...
You are that depressed?
I was
You still are...You still are..
I wash my hair everyday
'But you are bald"
Yes, but I washed my bald head everyday..
I am a healthy human being with a bald head
What's the point of having all that hair
And make it a source of your depression?"
"Its not the source of my depression,
Its the result."
'What's the source of your depression?"
'I am a foreigner."
'All foreigners don't wash their hair for months?"
'I must not sit next to a foreigner ever....
Their head must be full of lice."
'No wonder no one likes foreigners,
All that thick black hair and lice roaming around in it...
Gee I have to go home and wash my hair."
'You have no hair and you are not
A foreigner either, you have no worries...
No worries and no lice in the hair and no hair.....
'You are blessed."
"To be bald and still in your own country?
'I would take lice any day if I was still in my own country....
In-fact everyone in my country have lice in our hair....
Because of the lack of water.....
'You stole our water."

They all died
All great writers died
What a pity...
I only read the dead writers
I don't know of any great writer
Who is still living.....
All living writers are here to please
One group or the other....
That's not greatness
Thats publishing....
'Its called, "Kiss-ass technique and manipulation
Greatness in a creation is far, far away
From a calculated effort of manipulation.
Whatever comes out of the soul...
Whatever is scribbled down
Innocently, honestly and passionately
It reaches the soul of the one still breathing.............

White people are so
'But that's the color of success."
I guess so....They are so white and so
"And so successful."
I guess so..........

The guy sitting alone
Drinking wine by himself
Is sad again.
He needs to order another glass of
Good for the owner of the cafe
That people are so sad and alone..............

"I have given up on my stomach."
'It has now my permission to be
Extra fat."

Friday, June 11, 2010

A MALADY: ) Continues)

Every place has a formula
which needs to be followed
to get ahead,
to be successful
Didn't find that formula...
Didn't look for it...
didn't know there
was a formula
still don't know
there is a formula
and its a particular one

She can't
She thinks she can...
but she can't...
Things are spreading
Spreading in all directions
Its difficult to control
Its like the dust
When it spreads
The dust particles are hard to catch....
Hard to control
They become part of the air
Air is hard to control.

Is all of them different looking people
With appearances different and not so different
From each other...
Expressing almost the same kind of sentiments
To please each other
To be accepted by the group
To not create any disturbances
Or lose a job
They all belong to the same democracy
Which has the same lukewarm acceptable expressions.

People still smoke
But they don't smoke inside a cafe
What's the point if one can't smoke inside the cafe where one
Is having a cup of coffee?
But there are rules to be obeyed
One has to be concerned about other people's health
And welfare...
Oh! really?
What about the health and welfare of the ones killed?
Killed in the war?
They are not human people
They are the enemy
The, "Other"
The distant,"Other"
People call me the. "Other" also
Yes, they do.......
Yes, they do.......
Then, you are the enemy too...........

All the ambitions crushed..
That's for sure
Absolutely sure
You are certain of that?
Yes, certain
What were your ambitions?
No idea of that
No idea...None.
But whatever they were ...
They were crushed.

A day of success will perhaps come
Certainly it will come
Not so certain.....
It didn't come yet...
No, not yet
But it will come
Death will certainly come
That's final.
That's the final success...
We are all waiting for.....
I am not
I am waiting for the other success
Which other success?

Oh! its raining again...
And I am without an umbrella
'I wish that was my worry too."
'I wish that was the only worry I had
to deal with on this rainy day...
You are so blessed...
Your worry is just the lack of an umbrella........

Thursday, June 10, 2010



You have to acquire by aggressive means
and that's all
There is no other technique-
You want something?
You need to go get it
Whatever-you want-
You need to get up and go get it-
What will the other think?

What other?
What will the other think?
What does the other say?
What does the other want?
That's a sure sign of your own failure-
You can't worry about that...
If that's your worry
Than your are only going to sit alone on the couch, get fat,
fret and be Un-happy all day..All week...All month...All year..
All years to come my dear...............


something again and again
What are you selling?
Nothing will come of nothing...
So don't worry then, if that's ok-
Everything resolved?
No, not yet..........


They lacked and still lack a principal core
But they behave that they are fine
And its me who is totally wrong

If they ever admitted it that perhaps both of us were and are still wrong
But no...They are right
Its me who is wrong and always wrong..
I had to take care of it long time ago
I had to announce to them loud and clear.
'Hey guys, he is my son and any one who is not nice to my son
won't expect kindness or love or whatever else
comes with societies morality bound traditions..
If you don't respect my son's dignity then why expect affection from my side for your brats?

Sounds fair?
Doesn't it?
You need to be generous, hospitable, kind, caring warm
That's in case you want the same from me for your sons....
And that's the end of it
Take it or leave it
All this should have been done long time ago

You can't be cruel and phony alone
Its aloud for me too...
all of us are born cruel
Its not your pleasure alone
Its a bit late for you to be number one in callousness...
A bit late
Of course
But of course............


Totally selfish and mean bastards
And still want to have the upper hand
You should be so regretful to have put yourself
in that subservient position.....
You didn't understand it perhaps...
Yes, for sure, no understanding of anything at all
Very naive and subservient
The end of you honey in the Western World
Yes, for sure the end of me
So many times the end of me
Since the arrival, the end of me...Since I stepped off that plane...
The plane which crossed the Ocean to bring a subservient person to the Western Civillization
Oh! the land ing brought the end of me
The boarding that plane brought the end of me
The landing brought the end of me
And the subservient relationship?
That got stronger and stronger and stronger....
The Western World loved it, right?
But of course.....What is better than a subservient being obedient.......

You didn't know?
No, I didn't
You didn't learn?
No I didn't
Yes, shame.........
I didn't actually understand it
I didn't actually understand any thing
Oh! I was a subservient
You are not now?
No answer to your question..........
No answer
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to your last question.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Now there is no need
no need for inclusion
The intention of inclusion is only
to full-fill a need
the need of the one who wants to include for the purpose
which will accommodate the need of the one who wants
to include.
Its not for company or social hour or for pleasure.
Its purely the need of the hour.
The hour when and where some work must be done.
The work which is most important concern and the motivation
of the hour.
When that hour is passed, the need is over.
Its not the warmth of companionship.
Its to kill two birds with the same stone


The poem comes out of your inside out
All blood and veins and guts...
How can one eliminate the beautiful from the ugly?
The sight is revolting, if not only disgusting and repulsive...
But than the depth of the thought is all.
Isn't it?
The pain of the moment...
The birth of the poem, when the guts soaking with blood
were turned inside out.


You can't fake affection
You can't have business with affection
Affection makes you no money
Business does...........
Love is not about calculating how to use the other......
The other who is capable of love and you are not
Its like a clear glass.........
The clarity shows what's in it....
Affection shows.......


You have to do something positive out of the negative
You just can't eliminate the negative from your life
It will keep coming back
From all directions........
How many directions can you turn away from and still
reach your destination?
Keep going...
Keep embracing the negative
and turn it into an opportunity for yourself.
Its up to you to that for yourself.
All is up-to you except your death.


You have to take care of these people
and the remarks they make which offends your sensibility...
If you don't they will keep doing it and you will keep reducing
your worth and self esteem...........
No fucking thing is worth it, worth reducing your self esteem
No diamond or a myonaise soaked tuna sandwitch, they call,"lunch"
Don't ever give any one ever the chance.........
You hear?
Nasty people around you all your life
Take care of it now since you only became aware of it now...........
Now, it took you that long to know that people are nasty?


A person of sun
Uncomfortable within his own skin
Constricting ideological precision was fitted on him.
"Neither be killers nor victims." Camus
"Nouveau rich pharisees of justice." Camus


Have to change
Change life
Good life
Is it?
Bad life
Is it?
Have to change life
Not happy with it
Need to change routine
That's in case there is one
There is none.........
That's a major problem

Find a routine
Have one........

Only having coffee in a cafe
That's the routine
But after that
After what?
Having coffee in a cafe
After that?

Its all confusion after that
After having coffee in a cafe...
Its all confusion after that, frustration, unhappiness...
Actually that's the routine
Unhappiness and confusion after having coffee in a cafe....
Should be happy in that routine
Not many people have that
They all want that
To have coffee in a cafe
They work 9 to 5 all their lives just to have that
having a coffee in a cafe
And that's your unhappiness?
Be grateful for that unhappiness
Be happy in that blessed unhappiness

Monday, June 7, 2010

DAY 109

Oh! how I envy you.
You, who get up early
in the morning
and go to your office
work all day
and bring a check home
at the end of the week.
I, instead have no profession
no trade
no office
no vocation
I go through useless
time consuming anguish
Oh! yes, never ending anguish
and bring home no check
neither at the end of the week
nor the end of the month
nor the end of the year
and still call myself a,"playwright"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Back from anguish
Back from anxiety
Back from worry
Back from fear
Back from an Un-known Un-comfort
Bacj from where we started
Back to the past
Back to the memory
Back to the memory of home
Back to the memory of home
In a country which is now fast becoming a ruin
Now it will match my memory o9f last thirty years...
which became nothing but a ruin of a memory
A memory of destroyed, mutilated, damaged, precious memories
Who destroyed those memories?
Us...Who else...
Made so many stupid mistakes
Left parents behind to die
Left home behind to be plundered
Left a courtyard full of jasmine tree to dry and then die....
Why would those mistakes, those tragedies, those self imposed exiles not disturb us now?
Why the heart ache not come back?
It never went away...
It always stayed...
It keeps seeping through the superficial calm
Which actually doesn't exist
The calm never existed
It was always the pain of what we left behind
Why did we do that?
That's the question
That question will remain till we die....
And than it will still remain
With the memory, the sorrow, the sadness, the pain, the loneliness...the loneliness...the loneliness of the West while the East is no more......