Monday, August 31, 2009


Accomplish something without talking
No talking
Never talking

Why talking ?
Not part of accomplishment

Listening important
To your instinct

Yours and yours alone
Don't waver from the task at hand
Don't talk about it

To not talk
Is to be alone

Be alone
Before the task

Be quiet before the task

Talk to no one
be with no one


Yes, if need be
Yes, but there is no need

Only strangers

Exchange a few words
Then go home

The word, "Home" is a problem

Exchange a few words and than go 
where ever you sleep
The place where your bed is, is your,"home"

The bed? my bed? not my bed

Ok, which ever bed you sleep in
Where-ever that bed is, is your,"home"

That is not my bed, that is not my home

Ok, a few words with strangers 
and go back where some one's bed is
The bed the one you sleep in

A few words with strangers
 and go back where-ever that ,"Home" is

The home where the bed is
The bed in which you sleep



Ok, then...
No talking and no listening for you

You need to accomplish things alone
That is in case you do want to accomplish anything

Otherwise you can talk and listen to any one
And waste away like always

To make a new life for yourself you have to be alone
No people for you

You have failed people and people have failed you
No people before the task
No people after the task
No people, I said

A few words of." hi, hi, hi, hi,"
how are you?" Is enough
No anguish is to be discussed

The people are tigers 
and your anguish is the feed .
They need to eat you up alive
Blood and flesh and bones and all

You will bleed to death
 to open up to people

Don't bleed to death here
Not your country
Not your people

You flew away
The nest is empty
The nest is barren
The nest is lost

Came too far
The flight to the un-known exotic places was ok...
But there was no exotic place except your own nest
The nest you left behind
You should have turned around and flown back

The journey was meant to be forward

But there was no forward in that journey
The forward roads were all blocked

The road blocks
Ever heard of it?

But I wasn't on the road
I was up in the sky
There were sky blocks

Never heard of it
The sky blocked

Then why couldn't you move forward?

Trouble with the wings


Wings broken

When did you notice?

On the top of the river Indus

You crossed the Caspian sea?

Yes, unharmed


Then the wings broke

What happened to the other birds, your companions?

I don't know

You don't know


I thought you left together

We did

Than what happened?

Scattered away, drifted apart

Didn't you contact them?

Lost the song

Lost the song? 

What are you without the song? 
Arn't you a singing bird?

I was. I lost the song and the wings

You should have never left

Should have never left
Should have never left

Now be quiet and stay alone
Your companions are all gone
 a different direction

Don't talk to any other people
They are not your companions
Just chirp a bit, a formal little chirp 
with a total starnger and go home

I lost my home...
The wings, the song and the home...

You lost everything
Can't you sing at all?


Not even a sad song? 
A sad lament?

I sing without a sound
I sing the lament all night...
All day I look for my song, 
the original song
The song i lost...

Friday, August 28, 2009


No long metaphorical monologues
No long conversations
No spending moments
No sparing moments
No waiting
No,no waiting

For no body
No waiting
No trusting
No intimacy
No openness

keep thoughts to self
Keep ideas to self
Keep hurt to self
Keep everything to self
Keep time to self

No more trusting any body
No trust

Stay away from the monster
Monster will destroy you
Don't whisper thoughts,
 plans to the monster

Monster will destroy you
No monster consultant
No monster helper
No monster friend
No friend

Don't be sad
Be busy
With your self
Let self occupy you and your time
Treat self nice
Take  your self to the cinema
Take self to the theater
Take self on a holiday
Take self to the beach
Take your self walking
Talk to your self
Walk with  your self
Laugh with your self

No more talking to no body
No more melancholy monologue of despair

No more melancholy monologues 
to your uncles and aunts 
and brothers and sisters 
and mother and father 
You see them around?


So who are you writing  to? 
these un-ending monologues about discrimination 
and injustice 
and hurt 
and unfairness 
and other awful feelings?

Who are you writing to if your loved ones do not exist?
Who are you writing to or pouring your heart out to?

No one is here,
No one exists,
 no one is listening to what you are saying
Who are you saying for?
Who are you writing to?

No one is here
No, no one

Get out of all the,
 unbelievable truths
At once

How do you know that its not the truth though?

The feeling...Just go for the feeling,
 the gut feeling
yes, that's it

The gut sends you a message
And that is the truth you are seeking
There is no other truth
No other process of knowing

Do what your heart tells you
Don't do anything 
with the slightest possible doubt
That is your guide

You are alone?


You have no consultant?

Not a real consultant...

Some time, something tells you to do things


Listen to that,"Something."

Something tells you not to do something?


Listen to that,"Something."

is your true friend, 
your mother, 
your father,
 your sister,
 your brother,

That,"something" is your consultant,
 your adviser,
 your lawyer, 
your therapist.

If you need to do something?
Ask your adviser,

You have so much to be thankful for
You have so much support
You have so much help
People love you
Your gut feeling is your people

Your gut feeling is always there
Guiding you, advising you,
 trying to tell you something...
Listen to it
Listen to the warnings...

Get out of the circle of all other advisers.
Fire them today
All of them
All of them
You have your gut feelings
That's a gift
You are blessed.
Be grateful

Monday, August 24, 2009


Mother sang when her children,(birds left her)
Father sang when his children,(birds left him)

They all sang songs for the rest of their lives from distant places 
because now the oceans were between them,
 the sea was between them,
 the red sea and the Indian Ocean
 and the Caspian sea...

The birds flew and separated themselves from pure and eternal love
 In search of love 
And could never see their loved ones again
 Because they got lost on the way, 
They struggled,
 They survived,
 They got wounded,
 They got exhausted,
 They lost their way,
 They never united again...
The birds wanted to fly back 
But their wings were now broken 
And their mother and father lied down and cried,
 lied down and died,

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Once upon a time a poet was seen 
wandering around a heath
He had nothing but a note book and a pencil in his hand
There was no one else there but him.
No sound, no noise, no whisper...

He walked Contemplating philosophical thoughts of mortality,
 The meaning of things
, Nothingness again,

Than all of a sudden,
 appeared a flock of colorful birds chirping,
Flying and chirping
Singing ghazals, melodious ancient songs.
Though he didn't speak their language
 He was fascinated by the birds
 And understood their songs

He quickly in a furious and ferocious hurry
 Started to jot down their songs in the note book
Fearing they will fly away 
As fast and as suddenly as they came...

These are the lyrics the birds sang 
 Fom the dead poet's notebook.

So much cunningness goes into,
How to save face?
Then with great calculation and effort they save face
And are so happy that no one got what they were implying
And they got away by insulting some,
 By hurting some, 
By being evil
By being amoral,
 By being brutal, 
By being racists....

They smile over a glass of wine after the conference
They are thrilled that their schemes and cunningness worked...
But it didn't work actually
They will go home and see their faces in the mirror everyday.
They couldn't save their faces from themselves

And that is the reward of the one discriminated against.
It's a crime to hurt an innocent person
The crime shows itself on the face when seen through the mirror...
They have to look at themselves for the rest of their lives.
Revenge has been taken...

How far ahead are you going to go with your arrogance ?
Not far honey, not very far...
Only as far as your face
How far are you going to go with your cunningness ?
Not far sweetheart, not very far
Only as far as your face

Cunningness and amorality doesn't travel far...
It's on your face...
Who are you saving your face from ?

Friday, August 21, 2009


From now on
They have left the old house
From now on you don't know their new address
From now on, you don't have any contact with them
With all of them...

G and F and P and S
And all of that SA
No more knowing of them
No more contact with them of any kind
No situation  would involves them

They have left the old house without a forwarding address
No more conversations
No more phone bills
No more time wasted
That's the most crucial
And its wastage

Let people go to the moon
Let them get to the highest top
Let them live in a mansion
Let them not have your number
That's the best thing which has ever happened to you

Come to think of it
What did they ever do for you ?
Nothing actually...
Actually a big nothing...
Thank heaven's...

Their claws got out of you
What a relief finally
The fever broke

They all left the old house
No more contact with the poisonous elements
Why would you ?
Death wish is it ?

Things happen on their own
Ugliness reveals itself in many forms

Thank God they moved
Thank God they didn't leave their number

They have gone to the moon
They have achieved heights of all heights
They are all un-reachable.
Thank heavens the fever is broken at last.


That would be the best
To be silent would be more powerful than shouting

Winner is always silent
And the loser ?
Shouts and shouts and then is silent eventually

That's what they want
They want you to be silent
One can silently drop the matter once and for all
Get them all out of your life
That's far better than fighting and shouting
Some of the shouting has ,"Loser' stamp on it...

Let people play the dirty game
Let not yourself be part of that

You, who always was upfront
Doesn't need to play any dirty little game

Winner eventually looses also
Especially that kind of a winner

Silence strengthen belief and dedication
Remember prayer is mostly silent
And is the source of solace

The guilty one's are also silent
But their silence is not of a prayer but of guilt
They know, that they are not good
And that's their punishment

They try and try again to save face
But from whom ?
They can't save face from themselves...
They see themselves when they look at the mirror
They see their own face, the face they were trying to save...
They see that face every day in the mirror

Only they know what's in their vicious hearts
What's the point of trying to know, what's what?
And why would you want to know any way?

There is nothing there but malice, hate, jealousy,
They are consumed with jealousy
They don't have the gift...

Silence is not submission
Silence is not victimhood
Silence is the knowledge
Silence is knowing of the truth

Silence is thanks to him who bestowed
 that wonderful gift upon you

No, they didn't get the gift
That's why they can't have
 the truth as their companion.

Embrace the silence and be 
thankful every moment for being honest
Your reward is in that very honesty
 which is everlasting...
Truth always comes out of the mouths 
which are desperately trying to hide it...

Just be silent and observe quietly

Thursday, August 20, 2009


It was so wonderful 
not to be a part of the, shit
It smelled so much
In the hallway, in the discussion rooms, 
in the auditorium
With their pseudo intellectual
 heavy weight words such as, diaspora

"Diaspora, miaspora, Shiaspora, 
Giaspora, Neeaspora, Fuckaspora,
Pora, pora, your rear end...

Oh! their rear end is already
 so stuffed with bullshitaspora...
Oh! how they are smelling
Wonderful for their nostrilaspora...

Congratulations all of you asskisserporas
 and ass lickerporas
and phonyporas and baloneyporas
 and intellectual fiasporas and academic biasporas....
It's the ass kissing society.

What a word!

Perfect in all its forms
No one can argue with the hype
 and the falsehood of it
Drama on stage and drama off stage

People are dying to be on stage

They can't though

So they create a play in their heads
and then they live in their own heads
expecting others to believe in their dramatic deceit

But the deceit of their drama 
can only be enjoyed by some
I am not one of those some.

She is laughing
He is laughing
They are all laughing
They are all part of the deceit
and they are not very good dramatists

Talent is something else...
Not bestowed upon everyone
Oh! how they hate...
They hate talent...
They hate God

Monday, August 10, 2009


"Because of political and economic reasons
exclusion took place."
He said

"The outside forces prevented me to include you."

He said

'The referee took you out of the final draft."

He said

"Doesn't go with the rest of the work."

He said

He was lying
No one took you out
He never put you in
He was lying

There was no outside force
He himself was the outside force
He was lying...

He put the whole blame on the outside force
He was the outside force
He was lying

He is a lier...
Be cautious...of him....

"He is not a lier."

She said

"It was a Scandal."

She said

'Who took you out then?"

She said

'He took you Out."

She said

"Which who?"

"The other who."

She said

"Who was he?"

"The other who."

She said

"There were two


 Who took you out"

She said

"There were anonymous ,

who took you out?

She said

"So we will never know

 "who took you out?"

"No, we will never know.

 The one's who took you out

 are, and will be anonymous."

She said


He said


She said.


Never satisfied by your lies.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


You call that stream of consciousness ?
The killing of girls at a gym?
And throats being cut?

That's the result of a consciousness
 as consciousness can get

and birds just chirp and sing
Birds don't kill

"Alright, alright,
its just the title.
"Stream of consciousness of singing birds."

But you have to justify everything 
to a producer who will produce the play...
"Which play ? 
 I don't have a play.
 "Who said that I have a play ?"

Why do you want it to be produced ?
"Because all is just the vision
 and the vision is all,
 produced or not produced."

Who are you ?
and where do you come from ?

"Don't humiliate yourself.
 You won't be able to pronounce 
the name of a an exotic heap of mud
and daffodils called, "NARGIS."

 Go ahead, try."
Who cares...
We are busy, 
So much to do, 
So much to accomplish

"I want to accomplish nothing. 
 I want to drift away to the heap of,"Nargis.
" I want to fly away
To sing,"GHAZALS."
 Which no one will understand.
 That's it...
I want to do what no one can,

 My song must be sung only by me.
No one but me,
 its my song...
I will sing it
 and you won't ever understand it.

The victory comes in many shades and tunes,
The tune of the, "GHAZAL."
 You will never understand."

Thank god he was not
the one who cut people's throats
He was just a mad man
Mad men do things for no reason

They just come in and start shooting
Shooting everything across the room
Chairs, tables, computers, 
other machines, human beings

They are just mad, mad, mad Western men

The one who cut throats
 is not a mad man
He is considered a muslim Islamist 
doing it for a cause

The, religion, they say
Why should it be for the cause of a religion ?
Why can't that bird be mad ?

"No, he is not mad, 
he is muslim."

They say, the experts

"What's the opinion of the 
experts on the gym killer?

"A mad man for sure." 
 'His girl friend left him." 
"Simply mad"
Why can't the muslim killer be mad ?
"They do it for their religion, Islam
" They want to take over the West.
" "They are sick with a cause."

"And the gym killer?"
"A mad man."
"A lonely man." 
 "Had a bad childhood."
 "His father abused him."

'And the muslim killer ?"
'That's a different story entirely."
 'They are religious fanatics."
 "They cut throats for a cause."

"Our gym killer had a bad childhood."

Monday, August 3, 2009


Its gotten inside
Deep into the folds and layers of consciousness
And it promises to go even deeper
Who says it's quitting?
Not a quitter at all
not like all of you

Always leaving things undone
Shame of the young and ambitious

Cowering under the slightest pressures
which are all challenges for the healthy

Who is healthy amongst you though?
not me, 
count me out
 gave you the permission

What else do you want?
 first made me sick.
 now pouncing on me to get better

You are the illness deep within 
when will you leave?

Get out from the inside of the torturous grooves
 and curves of the psyche of the disturbed
Whom you always abused in the past, present, future

You and your determination is sickening 
awful for the tender hearted 
what would you know about tenderness?
you coiling and recoiling snakes 

Travel alongside the healing ointments 
so scarce 
even the fields of health are lacking the medicine 
the herb to sooth the nerves you enraged 
with commentary of your ill conceived 
and ill spoken/hurtful/unrefined/uneducated/
vulgar words. 
what do you know of
a sensitive heart?

 No, not you/never you/never you/
 you are not the granddaughter of the poet
not your uncle/not your father/not your womb/no/not yours.

Speaking ill of the one's who fed you 
bathed you clothed you
/loved you/you monsters of the world
 getting deep into my psyche/ruining my aesthetic/
for the moment/and for all moments of the days and nights/
why won't you disappear?
 and never come back?

 But you are not going to go anywhere except crawl under my skin 
like the dirty, smelly crab with claws of thorns 
bleeding my ever broken sad heart.

"Oh! you fool of a lonely heart 
Why did you choose the land so far away from your ancestor's land ? 
Why did you choose the culture 
Where they say what they don't mean . 
Why did you choose a language which is not yours? 
Why did you choose the insensitivity of the natives? 
Why don't you understand that they do mean what they say ? 

They need to insult/hurt/upset/infuriate/disturb
all who look different than them just for the heck of it 
just for the sake of having fun 
just for you to go home upset 
and not achieve anything but to think
all night how awful they were 
and what awful things they were willing to say to you 

and call themselves your friends.

Is that the difference between you and them 
that they can say it and you just absorb it? 
and why don't you say nasty things back?
 Don't sleep with those things,
you won't be able to sleep anyway 
the breeze is foreign/the bed is foreign/the language is foreign,
the friends are foreign/the culture is foreign.

"You don't understand."
 they say that often/haven't you heard it often? 
They say it often/you must have heard it often?

"Oh! you are too sensitive." 
they say after they insult you often. 
You are the foreigner who never understood the insult,
or did, but never spoke up 

Speak up even if you are an immigrant 
you are a long time immigrant now 
now you can speak up 
instead of adding layers to the depth of your,
immigrant/soul/not healthy/not healthy at all, 
but who says that the psyche of a lone immigrant is healthy?

"You don't understand." 
"Oh! it was a joke." 
"I was just kidding."
 "You don't understand."
"Don't be so sensitive."
 "You are a foreigner/immigrant after all/you don't understand."

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Birch trees
Lilac trees

I had a lilac tree in the garden
I had a garden
Now the lilac tree is being bombed

The lilac tree was a terrorist.
I am so far away from the lilac tree
But the tree is no more...

It had been bombed...

He became frightened of everything
Became frightened of illness

Illness will come eventually
But he became frightened before hand
He was getting old

But at the age 25 he said, "Its too late." "Its all over, all over."


Where have you been?

I have been so busy

Oh! come on

What have you been doing lately ?

So busy

Oh! come on

Are you going to the theater tonight?

Theater bores me

Oh! come on

What are you going to do tonight?

Stay home

Oh! come on

What did you do over the weekend ?

Stayed home

Oh! come on

What's the matter with you ?


Oh! come on

Lets go for a walk

I am tired

Oh! come on

You have become a bore

Oh! come on .

 Enough of your,
"Come on."
Enough already...

To have conscience for the other 
or to be totally narcissistic?
That's the question

What will make you successful ?
That's the question

Now the sun is setting
Now the private party is in preparation
Now the Private chef is getting ready
 to cook the elaborate dishes
For the rich and fortunate

While the poor all over the world are 
thinking how and with what kind of nutrition
they must feed their hungry children?

The private party has the exclusive 
invitation for the exclusive wealthy friends
The wine is 100 years old and 
costs thousands upon thousands of dollars

The poor are searching the
garbage for bread crumbs

But why should you worry 
about the poor of the world so much ?

That's the major question I have not been able to answer...

Came so far away to get stuck in this corner
Came so far away, so far away...

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Too much devotion is not good
People can hate you for that

Worry ?
Don't sleep?
Solitary battle?

Don't fall down
Don't fail

So much pressure to succeed
To obey
To serve
To care
To help
To sacrifice
To give
To suffer

Do everything to build yourself up

Had to be corrected
So the lies were invented
To stay away
To save time
 Not to be submissive
And then the time came

The necessity 
To stand up
Fight back
Speak firmly

Show that you can also snap
You have the ability to snap 
And you don't care about the money

And you don't want to be controlled at all
 under any circumstances
It takes a while but you live and learn

He never snapped
He took pills and drank
Drank and drank till his dying day

Snap if you have to
But don't fall down
Don't fail

Snap...if you have to
If you don't want to be controlled.

Too much hand written material
 on thin tissue papaers
On thin tissue toilet papers
On thin tissue toilet seat papers

What were you thinking ?
Not thinking but writing
Just writing

You are always writing
Why not ?
What else is there to do ?

Write but don't write on tissue papers
What should I write on ?
On the computer
Computer is no fun
Computer is boring
Computer is a machine
Machine can't deal with writing

Write on the computer and send it on
Send it on to whom ?
To the publishers 
There are publishers out there ?
Every body is out there
Oh! I didn't know

Now you do
So what should I do now ?
Write on the computer
What about all those tissue papers ?

Put that writing on the computer
But its a lot of writing
Have assistance
What ?
Assistance I said ?
What ?


Perhaps it's this
Perhaps it's that
Perhaps it's this and that

Perhaps its something which is neither this nor that

 What is it then ?
 I don't know
Perhaps it's laziness
Perhaps it's the weight gain

Perhaps it's the desire's illness
Perhaps it's the desire's meekness
Perhaps it's the desire's accomplishment

How could that be ?
Which desire is the one which gets accomplished?
Desire is unsatisfied

Desire is thirsty and hungry for more and more

But where is my desire ?


How would I know ?

I am that perhaps who is not sure of anything...